Chapter 23: All The Dead

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I remembered being dragged into a dark room. My vision was blurry and I couldn't make out anything in the room. I felt a throbbing pain in my side. I whent to cover my hand over it, but only to find an arrow halfway through my side.
"Sh**..." I said under my breath. I winced and realized what I had to do. I gripped the back of the arrow with both my hands. I took a deep breath in and exhaled. I then pulled the arrow out fast. My eyes widened as the pain caught up with me. I threw the arrow on the ground and covered my side with my hands. Blood stained my armor. I pressed down, applying pressure to the wounds.
"F***." I swore. I winced and clenched my jaw shut. My breathing was shaky. I had to seal the wound somehow, but I didn't have that choice at the moment. I looked around. Nothing but darkness surrounded me. I leaned my head against the wall behind me. All of a sudden a door opened and I saw the men who brought me here throw someone in with me. The door closed fast. I heard someone groan. I didn't know who it was, but it sounded like a woman.
"Who's there?" I dared to ask. I heard scrambling backwards.
"It's okay, I'm not one of them." I reassured her.
"Dynami." She said.
"Dynami! It's me! Karliah!" I said getting a feeling of hope.
"Karliah! Where's everyone else?" She asked.
"I don't know." We sat in the dark. Then we heard screams from the outside. I sprang up and looked for a way out.
"Oh no..." Dynami said.
"What?!" I asked as I searched around in the darkness.
"They're coming." She warned me.
"Wh-" I was cut off my the door swinging open, causing me to fall back. The light came into the room. The silhouette was big, and intimidating. He came in and grabbed both of us and dragged us out. I managed to grab the arrow from before while he did so. Dynami screamed and thrashed around like a madwoman. I looked at her awkwardly. He dragged us down the hall. I took the arrow and stabbed the back of his knee. He screamed in pain and let go of me to hold the wound. I quickly got up and got Dynami up. I couldn't fight right now, I was still too weak, so our option right now was to run. We ran down the blood stained halls. The pictures on the walls were frightening. Images of people hung from trees, suicidal images, and blood stained knifes. I kept running. I heard shouting coming up. We ran to the left and came upon an open room. I stopped dead in my tracks at the sight. Dead bodies littered the floor. Flies and maggots swarmed them, consuming them. Dark blood puddles emerged from them. The stench was unbearable. I stumbled backwards. Then noticed writing on the wall. Written in blood it read;
You killed them, Karliah... No... They... I... I did this? I fell down and scootched back until my back hit the wall. A tear rolled down my face and onto the ground. That many?

I awoke in a tank, stuck inside some kind of liquid. Everyone else was there too. I looked up and around. I spotted my bow and arrows on the wall across the room. I also noticed Keevan. I tried to call out out him but he couldn't hear my muffled cry for help. I don't know how I was breathing in this stuff. He was busy helping everyone else. He cracked the glass of The Doctor's. The liquid rushed out and he fell to the ground coughing. He looked up to see Keevan's hand reaching out to him. He took it and stood up. He continued to free them. He freed Farkas, Ember, Ezio, and Ember before reaching me. Once he got to me he cracked the glass two times. The liquid rushed out with me in it. The glass was razor sharp, one sliced my cheek but I was fine. I coughed and took deep breaths. I got up and brushed myself off. I was cold from the liquid.
"Is that everyone?" I asked.
"One more." The Doctor said pointing to the metal man in the taller container. I wrapped my arms around myself as I waited. Once he was free we all joined in the middle. Everyone was cold and shivering.
"S-S-So now w-what?" Ember squeaked out.
"Figure out who these other people are." Keevan said.
"Wait..." Farkas said.
"What?" The Doctor asked. He paused for a second.
"Where's Karliah and Dynami?" He asked.
"I... Actually I don't know..." Keevan said.
"Well how about we go find them?" Farkas suggested.
"Go ahead."Danny said in a smug sort of way.
"Well I need some help." Farkas said. Nothing.
"Come on! We can come back to this! We don't know these people but we do know them and we need to find them first!" Farkas yelled.
"I'll help." I said walking over to him.
"Anyone else?"

I gasped at the site. Did she really kill this many people? The bodies almost reached the ceiling. The writing on the wall was just... I approached Karliah. She was having a panic attack. I cautiously reached out and touched her shoulder.
"DON'T TOUCH ME!" She screamed out and scooched away from me, eyes wide open in terror.
"Karliah, it's okay. I'm not gonna hurt you... J-Just, calm down." I said approaching her.
"NO! STAY AWAY!!" She screamed. I stopped. What was going on? She sobbed in the corner. I looked at the pile of bodies. I recognized two people. One man and woman. They were from Ember's memory... Oh boy... I looked back at Karliah. She was frozen. She stared blankly at the bodies, tears still coming though. I tried approaching her again. I reached out to her again. She took my arm and threw me at the wall across the room. My back hit it and all the wind was knocked out of me. My heart skipped a beat when I saw her leap at me in beast form. I quickly took out my dagger. When she tackled me the knife pierced her stomach. She yelped and staggered back. She crouched and fell to her knees, turning back to normal as she did. One hand clutched her wound and the other held her up. She couldn't catch her breath. Right at that moment Farkas came storming in. He looked pissed. He looked at me. He ran towards me. It was in slow motion. His fist knocked me back. He just punched and punched, until finally, I drifted off into darkness.

I ran up to Farkas. I tried to pull him off her, but I couldn't. Suddenly a weird thing pranced into the room.
"EEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" It screamed at us. It was a weird horse thing, but it had the face of a woman. Suddenly the guards teleported around us. They got out their guns.
"Hands up!" One of them yelled. Then they shot at us. We screamed as the electric charge swirled around us.

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