Chapter 15: Flashback

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I awoke to a loud crack go off in the distance. I didn't know what it was. Katniss was awake too. She heard it. I looked at her. She looked confused. I climbed down from the tree and she followed after. I heard her gasp. In the middle of the path, was a circle thing.
"That's the thing!"
"What thing?"
"The thing that took me!"

No... She was so young. My breath was shaken. I looked at her. Blood stained the snow around her.
"Oh god..." Danny sighed.
"My-my-my sister? No, no!" Karliah screamed. She screamed at the sky. She put her hands in her hair, and dropped to the ground. She sobbed. I looked at her closer. I couldn't find a cut or anything on her.
"Farkas? Come over here." I asked him.
"What?" He said, a tone of sorrow in his voice.
"Is she dead, Farkas?"
"What do you-"
"Is. She. Dead!" I told him.
Karliah and Danny turned around. Farkas closed his eyes and went beastly. He sniffed at the air, and twitched his ears. He turned back..
"No. She's not dead!" He said. Karliah shoved me out of the way.
"Ember? Ember wake up. Wake up!" She said, and shook her awake.
"Karliah?" She asked faintly.
"Yes! You're alive! Thank god you're alive!" She yelled, and hugged her close. Everyone cheered.
Then I realized something.
"EVERYONE SHUT UP! If she didn't have any wounds, THEN WHERE DID THE BLOOD COME FROM?!?" I yelled at them.

Oh god...Keevan! I looked down by the hole. Blood was soaking through the snow onto her.
"The blood, is Keevans." I said, and I sprinted across the snow. The others followed after me. I saw it first. I backed up, it was too gruesome. The doctor covered embers eyes, and Danny looked uneasy.
Keevan was laying there, with a knife in his stomach. Blood was everywhere. And beside him was the most gruesome yet. Written in blood, was two words. Two words that struck fear into everyone here.
Remember Drakus?
It was a question. For us to answer. Remember what he did? Remember? Karliah in was in shock.
"I thought he was dead?" The doctor said. Karliah started hyperventilating.
"He, he's supposed to be dead. I, I killed him? He's not back? He can't be? No! He can't come back! NOT AGAIN! Not through hell again..."

I awoke in a field. It was a grain field. I must of fallen asleep in the fields again. Hopefully the elders don't get mad. I ran back to my village. I went into my house.
"Keev! Your home!" My little sister greeted me. I smiled and hugged her.
"What did you do today?" I asked her.
"I played with the animals today! It was fun!" I chuckled.
"Keevan, come help set the table for dinner." My mother asked me. She was always so kind to me.
"Yes mother." I grabbed the forks and cups. I set some out for everyone. Father was coming home today. He had been on a hunting trip. It had been a few weeks since we had seen him. My sister got the plates. I went up to my loft room and opened up my chest. My collection of rocks were in there. I added a new one I found in the field.

The knife burned in my stomach. I saw that the others had crowded around me. Oh god, it hurts.
It hurts.

I rushed up the hill with tears in my eyes, daring to spill. But once I reached the top I stopped dead in my tracks. My eyes grew wider and my eyebrows rose with fear. My hands covered my mouth. I was violently shaking. The tears then spilled down my face and mixed in with the blood. Words were written by Keevan's body that read;
Remember Drakus?
I did... Too well...
"I thought he was dead..." The Doctor said confused. Fear, pain, sadness, anger, and worry rushed over me all at once. It was too much for me to handle.
"He, he's supposed to be dead. I, I killed him... He's not back... He can't be... No! He can't come back! NOT AGAIN! Not through hell again..." I mumbled out words. I grabbed my hair and started walking back and fourth. I couldn't go through all of this again... I hadn't even told them the truth about my past... I had a worse past...
"My, my parents... No, no, don't f****** think about that memory! or, or, you'll... Abused... No! Tortured... Damn it! Lied to... F***!!!! I did it again! DAMN IT!!!!!!!" Everyone was looking at me. The doctor was working with Keevan. I know we should be helping him, but... Damn it it was happening again!!!!
"F***!!!!! I'M SO SORRY!!!!" I suddenly blurted out without control. I squeezed my eyes shut and dropped to my knees abruptly. I quickly tore off a gauntlet and took out a knife. Tears poured from my eyes as I tried to convince myself to stop, but it was like there were two of me... Without thinking I slashed the back of my forearm about 10, 11 times as fast as I could without stopping. I screamed in pain as I did. I heard shouting behind me but couldn't understand it. Then I felt a forceful grip tighten around me and then pull me back, I dropped my knife as I fell. I gave up and collapsed into whoever was holding me. I sobbed into their shoulder. They grabbed hold of my shoulders and steadied me so they could see my face. I still hadn't opened my eyes.
"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!?!?" Farkas screamed, he sounded scared... I'm so sorry... I didn't want to... I'm so sorry. I wish I could tell him. I just looked at him. I didn't say a word. Just more tears. I hid my face in his chest. He wrapped his arms around me and gently rocked back and fourth.
"Does anyone have any bandages?!?!" The doctor and Farkas said together. They looked at each other for a split second and then looked away.
"I, I think I do..." Ember's crackly voice announced. She handed the both of them a roll of bandages. Farkas laid me down and wrapped the whole bandage around my badly bleeding cuts. Once done I stood up and faced away from everyone. I breathed heavily as I tried to calm down. Everyone then helped with Keevan.
"I'm... So sorry Keevan..." I whispered.

I started to run towards the hole when I was suddenly pulled back. I fell on my back and looked at Ezio.
"What the hell?!" I said aggressively.
"Why would you just go running up to that thing?!" He questioned me.
"Because it might take me back to Peeta!" I said as I stood up. He thought for a moment as I brushed myself off.
"Fine, but I'm coming with you."
"Better than out here." He said as he jumped into the portal. I didn't hesitate to jump right in myself. I felt like I was falling through the sky, which I was, again. I braced myself for impact.

I haven't been this scared since Ischyros's death... I just kept running. The village people were chasing me with pitchforks and torches. My breath was hard and fast, I was trying my best to remain calm. I was starting to lose hope. I had to escape these mad people, but how? Was it even possible? I don't know... I looked back to see how far away they were, but they weren't far at all... Probably ten steps behind. I panicked and quickly looked forward again, but only for a low branch to get in the way. I didn't stop running though, I quickly turned right and kept running. Then a loud booming noise caused the ground to shake, throwing me off balance. I then fell right into the portal that brought me here. Finally I was getting out of here!!! I felt a tingling sensation in my stomach which was rudely interrupted by the hard ground.

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