Chapter 24: R.I.P

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Someone yanked my head up.
"Hold your head up. Look at the queen." The guard ordered. Everyone looked up. We were all bound in chains. Karliah wasn't bleeding anymore. The cold metal of the chair froze my skin. A woman walked up to a throne in the center.
"All hail queen Tara!" One of the soldiers yelled. They all bowed down to her. Even the horse things. They tried to bow down. They sorta just leaned forward and fell over. The woman sat down.
"So, you were the ones who escaped your cells? I haven't had a cell break in years. Daring group, you guys are." She told us. She took a sip of something.
"You guys almost escaped my grasp. But I have learned from the last time. Don't try to be Nice at first." She took another sip.
"Karliah, I'm scared." Ember said. Ember looked down and cried.
"Are you scared child?" Tara asked. Ember nodded. She walked closer to Ember.
"It's ok. You wouldn't be hurt." Ember looked up at her.
"Really?" She asked quietly.
"No! I would never hurt children. Children are precious. Full of, imagination. Ideas." She said pacing around the room.
"That's why they need to be harvested more. The energy radiating off them is, very powerful. And what is even more powerful? Emotion." She said, as she lifted up her cup. She threw the liquid at Ember. Ember screamed.
"Blood!" She screamed. I looked in terror as the red liquid ran down her face.
"Do you feel fear now? Anger? Horror? Good. I can power 10 portals from one second of emotion. But, bigger, longer, more powerful emotions are better." She grabbed Farkas by the hair. He yelped, as she dragged him over to her.
"Farkas!" Karliah yelled. She tried to escape her chains, but it was no use.

Another chair came up from the floor. She threw me onto it. A shell came up around it. Through the glass I could see Karliah.
"Now, betrayal. A very useful emotion, but it can be tricky. Sometimes, the person thinks that, it's not their friend who tried to kill them, or, it wasn't really my father who shot a woman with a shotgun, and burned everyone with a flamethrower." She said. She flipped the switch on the machine.
"Now, Karliah. I know you have feelings for Farkas. And Farkas feels the same. You two would make a good couple." She said.
"What are you doing to him?" She asked angrily.
"Oh, he's just the one I selected to become one of my soldiers." She said. Armor came around me. It clamped into place. Then a mask slowly came over my face. I couldn't see. I could hear muffled voices. Then a sharp pain in my head occurred. The helmet was slicing my head open. I screamed as it sliced. Soon enough it was over. Then it inserted something into my brain. I could feel myself slipping away, my personality getting erased, my memories, lost forever to Tara. I was almost gone.
My name is Farkas. I love Karliah.
And now I am dead.

"What did you do to him?" I asked Tara.
"Just some simple memory erasing, and some personality wiping."
"FARKAS!" Karliah screamed. She cried.
"You f****** MONSTER!" Dynami yelled at her. Tara ignored it.
"Now, let's see the finished product shall we?" Tara said, she hummed as she pulled the lever back. There stood Farkas. Or, what was him.
"Live to serve, die for Tara." Farkas's voice said.
"Very good solider 2841, now, execute order 973." Tara told him. Farkas raised his sword. He walked over to Ember.
"Please Farkas, stop!" She said to him. I gasped realizing what he was gonna do.
"Live to serve, die for tara." He said, and swung his sword down.

The tears streamed down my face as I watched him suffer. His muffled screams broke my heart.
"Farkas..." I whimpered quietly as I sobbed. Farkas approached Ember and raised his sword. My eyes opened wide. I wouldn't lose two loved ones in less than 1 minute. I stumbled over and crashed into Ember. His sword cut my chains and I quickly got up and grabbed Farkas's sword. Ember screamed. The tears still came as I pointed the sword at Farkas then at Tara.
"Well well well... Feisty one." She said as she approached me. I looked at Farkas. I noticed his features had changed. I dropped the sword in shock and put my hand over my mouth. I dropped to my knees and stared as the tears warmed my face. Farkas's eyes were gone, replaced by mere buttons. The sides of his mouth were stitched shut into a smile. Tara kneed me in the chin. I fell backwards. The sword slid across the glossy floor. I groaned and touched my bleeding lip. I glared at Tara as she walked around so she could kick me in the face. My nose started bleeding. I groaned again and tried to stand up, but she kicked my stomach and I flipped over onto my back. I breathed out hard.
"Don't ever try anything like that again. Because no matter what, you'll fail." She said with a slight smile. I watched as she walked over to Ember. I closed my eyes and let out a sigh.
"No! Please!" Ember screamed.
"Wait." Tara ordered. Farkas froze. I shouldn't even be calling him Farkas. Farkas is dead. That thing is not Farkas.
"Kill that one." She pointed to Ezio. He froze. Far- He walked over to Ezio and without hesitation he quickly raised his sword. The blade cut through his neck. His head rolled on the floor. Blood squirted from his neck onto the ground. Ember screamed and Katniss gasped.
"YOU A**HOLES!" She screamed at them. Tara walked back up to her throne and sat down.
"Kill all of them. Now." She ordered. Her new soldier did as told. About 20 more appeared out of thin air.
"F***." I swore under my breath as I struggled to stand up. I clutched my side, which still hurt. I relaxed myself. I took a deep breath in and then exhaled. My icey blue eyes dilated as I prepared for what was going to happen next. I put one foot forward. I closed my eyes and released my unrelenting force.
"FUS RO DAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed. The 20 soldiers and her new one flew backwards. Their back hit the back wall. They fell to the floor. Everyone of them died except for the new one. He got up and came charging at me. I dodged him and kicked him in the back. He fell down on his face, dropping his sword. I took the sword. I knew what I had to do... But it was too hard. I raised the sword and brought it down on his head. As he lay there, dead. I let the tears fall as I unchained everyone else.
"GOD DAMN IT!" Tara yelled.

Holy crap!! What was that!? She shouted something and then they all flew through the air! Wow. Karliah freed us from the cold chairs. I rubbed my wrists and looked at Tara, who looked pissed.
"HOW DARE YOU!?" She screamed. Karliah just wiped away blood from her lips. She stared darts into her. Karliah then shifted into he beast from and sprinted at her. Tara evaporated and the horse things charged. Karliah ripped one's head right off and tore the heart out of the other. We watched in complete terror. She shifted back and limped over to us. She picked up Embed and hugged her. She fell to her knees, still holding on tight. Ember sobbed into her shoulder.
"She... She." Ember sobbed.
"Shhh I know... I know." Karliah said as she too cried. I sighed with releif.
"Why did she have to kil Ezio?" I said.
"We need to get out of here, NOW." Keevan said. He started to walk away. Karliah sniffed and stood up. She set Ember down and held her hand. We all started to walk away. Karlaih looked back at Farkas's limb body, but then continued on. Once we were out of that dreadful place we walked back to the cave. We made a fire and all sat around it.

We sat for awhile until Karliah spoke.
"We can't stay here more than 2 hours." She said as she stared into the fire. The yellow glow of the fire tinted her blue eyes.
"Why not?" The Doctor asked.
"D-" She started to talk but something caught in her throat. She sighed.
"Drakus... He's here." She told us. My eyes widened.
"How do you know?" I asked. She looked at me.
"He was the one who wrote that on the wall. He was the one who made me kill all those people and brought them there. Thats how I know." She said with an edge in her voice. I looked at the fire.
"Okay, then everyone get some rest, and then we'll move." Keevan said as he leaned back against the wall.
"Hey Danny, could you keep watch and wake us in 2?" The Doctor asked as he too got comfortable. Danny nodded and took his post outside the cave. Everyone got settled in. I closed my eyes and drifted off.

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