Chapter 16: The Portals Return... Again

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I followed Katniss through the portal. I felt myself falling, and twisting and turning. I finally felt my legs hit the ground. It was raining. Slightly drizzling. It was chilly. I was standing on a barren rocky hill. All around me were mountains.
"Woah." I looked around. Katniss was behind me. She was gazing around.
"Is this where your bread is?"
"My bread?"
"Yeah. Petaa."
"He's not bread, stupid. He's my husband."

Keevan... He was dead.
Let's take a head count. We have.
2 dead people
1 cyberman
2 werewolves
1 of them are suicidal.
And a girl who shouldn't get near gasoline.
And we're all slowly wanting to kill each other. This is great. I had lost two people in a week. I knew Keevan for three hours before Karliah's crazy ex boyfriend killed him. And we thought he was dead.

I held onto Karliah. She was crying. I looked over her shoulder. Ember was standing there. She had seen it all. She looked shocked. She was covered in blood, and was staring at the spot where red stained the snow. Where Karliah was. Ember handed me a roll of bandages. I wrapped them around her arm. The bandages were turning red. I wrapped some more on and left her there. Doctor was looking at Keevan. He put his fingers to his wrist. He grimaced.
"Is, he dead?"
"No." I felt relieved. Thank god.
"But think of the pain he's in right now." Oh yeah.
"I might have something I could give him to help." I offered. I pulled out a regeneration potion.
"What is that?"
"It helps you heal faster."

I smiled as I heard the door open. I ran down the stairs.
"Papa!" I yelled. My sister giggled and ran up to him.
"Keevan! Aretha! It's good to see you again." He said happily.
"What did you get!" I asked him. He pulled out a lump of meat.
"Mammoth." I gasped.
"You battled Giants?!?" Aretha asked.
"Yep. Pretty good fight they put up, but nothing will let your old man down." He pulled out some other things out of the bag. He gave her new dolly, and a stuffed animal horse. She squealed in delight. She ran upstairs.
"Son, I think you're old enough to handle Magic by now." He said. My eyes widened as he pulled out a stone. It was doughnut shaped, with a glasslike layer in the middle. It was tinged blue.
"I bet you're wondering what it is. If you look through the stone, you can see what's really there, or what you can't see with the normal eye." I quickly looked through it. I gasped as I saw through the walls. My mother was cooking in the kitchen, and my sister was playing upstairs. It was almost like the walls weren't even there! Papa pulled another object out of the bag. It were some leather gloves. On the inside was thick fur. It was so soft.
"I want you to figure out what these gloves do for you. It's different for every person." He smiled.
"Really!? This is so cool!" I told him. I put it on. The brown leather crackled a bit when I put them on. They were quite warm.
"Thanks pa!" I told him, and hugged him. The gloves shocked my hands, and then I saw my dad. He was in a prairie. I floated by him, and watched as he hunted a mammoth. I gasped when I returned to reality.
"You ok Keevan?" Papa asked me.
"I'm fine." I said, trying to hold onto my excitement. Mother called us into the kitchen. We sat down at the table to eat. We were having dinner until we heard screaming outside. Me and papa ran outside. A two Nords were here. One man and a woman. He threw a torch at the elders building. It started on fire.
"The elders!" I yelled.
"I'll go get them, but you get your sister and mother to safety!" I nodded, and ran back into the house. The door was open. I ran in. The table was overturned, and the chairs were broken. Paintings were smashed on the wall, and pots and pans littered the floor.
"Ma?" I asked. I crept through the kitchen. I heard voices.
"...45, 46, 47, 48. 48 gold? I know bums with more money than that!" I heard a woman say.
"He he. That woman was fun to kill. Stay away, oh no!" A man said. They both laughed. I felt my stomach drop out.
"And the girl, I love it the way she screamed as she saw her mother's corpse. Just like when she died." The woman said. I screamed a bit, but covered my mouth. I ran out of the kitchen, only for the woman to say something. I didn't hear the rest cuz my ears were ringing. I flew through the wall of the house, and hit my head on the stone well outside. I heard a sickening crunch, and I slumped over. I couldn't feel the pain. I remembered a song for some reason. It came on as my eyes close.
Aniki, anika, aniki, anika
Sou te uny els Sanaa do
Sou te uny els Sanaa do
Aniki, Anika, Aniki, Anika

Baby, sleep, baby, sleep
It will be better in mornin,
It will be better in mornin,
Baby, sleep, baby, sleep

I heard someone talking. Then I felt a rattling. The people looked away, and started shouting in surprise. They were pointing at it. I raised my head a bit, and saw it. It was a portal.

I stared down and the foggy trees. My breathing was shaky and uneven. Ember approached me and touched my arm. I didn't flinch. She rested her head on my bicep and relaxed. She was warm against my freezing skin. But I just continued to stare. I heard Farkas and The Doctor scrambling to help Keevan. Then a vibration in the ground caused by a loud booming noise made me lose balance and stumble a bit. I regained myself and snapped my head back at them. The portal was back. It was back! My eyes widened and I let out a faint gahsp. The Doctor stared in awe.
"Thats the thing that brought Clara and me here!" He said getting anxious.
"Maybe it would take me back?"
"Hmm, maybe..." Farkas answered.
"Theres only one way to find out." The Doctor said.
"Wait! This is too dangerous, what if it sends you to a random place again? We can't-" Farkas was cut off by a force pulling us all towards it. I was swept off my feet as I was pulled forward. I landed on my back. I grabbed at the snow, trying to avoid it, but to no use. I was sucked right into the portal. I felt like I was falling. I looked around at my surroundings. I actually was falling, and I was headed right towards a giant rock. Sh** this is gonna hurt. I braced myself for impact. My wounds hit the ground first. My eyes widened. I quickly sat up and grabbed my arm. I didn't scream, it actually hurt too much to scream, it would just take too much out of me. I winced and squeezed my eyes shut. I looked at my arm; the bandages were starting to rip, and the blood was starting to soak it. I looked away at my new surroundings. I was on a giant rocky hill surrounded by mountains. What the hell? While I was looking around, the rest of the group fell from the sky. When the first of them fell it startled me and I jumped a bit. Farkas moaned and held his head. The Doctor stood up and brushed himself off. Ember slowly sat up and looked around. The fall didn't even faze the metal man, he just stood there. Lastly, Keevan just laid there, bloody and limb. Blood started to eek out of his sides, creating a puddle of blood around him.
"Sh**..." I said as I stood up slowly. I coughed and looked around once more. There seemed to be two people across from us, but far enough away for me to not be able to see what they looked like. Farkas stood up and brushed himself off, he saw them too. He looked at me and then back at them. I just stared.

I tried to ignore Ezio while I scoped out our surroundings. Then something caught my eye in the distance. It seemed to be a large group of people, I couldn't make them out though. I think two of them had spotted us as well. I tried to keep a low profile as I got Ezio's attention by stepping on his foot.
"Ouch! What the he-"
"Shhh!" I cut him off. He then got the hint and looked to where I was looking. He saw them. I crouched down into the fog and became invisible to them. I stayed standing, what was the point, they already knew we were here. I just slowly took my bow off my back, just incase. I didn't load it though, didn't need to right now. I kept an eye out. All of a sudden another person fell from the sky. It seemed to be a woman. When she fell she laid there for a minute then slowly got up. She held a hand to her head and looked around. When she looked at us she stopped and suddenly hid down in the fog. I squinted my eyes to see if I could find her, but to no luck. The fog completely covered her.

I hid in the fog, heart pounding, scared to death. I didn't know where I was, for all I know I could still be in the same world as Dracus, which scared me even more. I popped my head up again to see if there was anyone else here. Then I caught glimpse of a huge group of about 6. One of them was enormous and towered over all of them. I ducked back down again. I tried to catch my breath and calm myself down. I swear, I wasn't usually like this... But this trip just did something to me... I wish I was back in Kerato with my family.

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