Chapter 19: Surgery

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Holy crap! The bloody ear flew through the air. It landed on the ground in a splat. I jumped backwards.
"HOLY S***!" Dynami screamed. Katniss stared in shock at them. The Doctor grabbed Ember's hand and walked her away from it. The girl looked petrified. I looked at the others. Keevan had fear in his eyes. The medal man was staring at them. He grimaced. Farkas held his side. The blood ran down his wolflike features.
"CANT WE GO 10 SECONDS WITHOUT KILLING EACH OTHER?" The Doctor screamed. Farkas looked down. He slowly shifted backwards. Then he fell down.

I ran up to Farkas. His ear was clean off.
"Does anyone have a cloth or something?" I asked them. Dynami pulled a cloth out of her bag. she threw it to me. I pressed it against his head.
"F***!" He screamed. He pressed his hands to his side. I could see muscle.
"I need some thread! And a needle of some sort." I looked at Katniss.
"Do you have really small arrowheads?" I asked her. She looked in her bag. She shook her head.
"Crap. How are we gonna seal up his wounds?" I asked them. Nobody knew.

I couldn't hear out of my left ear. That's the only thing I thought about. I barely felt the pain on my side. She ripped my ear off. Crap. What had happened to her? And Ember... Poor Ember. She's just a kid. She shouldn't be around all of this. This had something to do with Keevan. He came here, and everything went bad. In fact, he held up a stone, and then she went insane!

How? How did this happen? Frick... She just went insane! I looked through the stone again. The stuff still swirled around her. The thing swirled around her arm. The blood slowly went to a stop. Was it, healing her? I need to tell the others about this. I got up, but then I saw Karliah cough, and wake up.
"IT WAS HIM!" She screamed at me.
"What?" I asked.
"YOU PUT UP THE STONE AND IT POSSESSED ME! Farkas I am truly sorry that I bit your ear off, BUT IT WASN'T ME! IT WAS HIM!" Farkas looked at me. He had bandages across his head.
"I knew it!" He yelled at me. He stood up.
"Wait, Farkas, I didn't do it! She is possessed!" I yelled at him.
"Possessed, BY YOU!" He then charged at me, slamming me into the wall. I felt a snapping as my ribs broke. He pressed harder against my chest with his elbow. I screamed, and tried to move.

Ember took a step back and hid behind me. What the hell had just happened? Images rushed across my vision, clouding my head. My cuts weren't bleeding anymore, infact, they were now just scars. But they still stung. Then it overcame me again. I tried to struggle against it but I was too weak right now. All of a sudden I turned back into my beast. My arm flung behind me as I hit Ember and she went flying. I bared my teeth at her. Her back hit a rock and she slid down to her knees. I was just about to launch out at her when the Metal Man tackled me to the ground. I was pinned down but somehow managed to flip myself over. I took hold of his neck and threw him at the rock Ember was lying by. Everyone looked terrified. I shot my head to Dynami. She stared in shock. Then I heard a deadly scream for help. I looked in that direction. Farkas had Keevan pinned up against a wall. His Elbow was pressed against his ribcage... I swear I could hear about a dozen loud cracks. My pupils dilated as I stared. Everything seemed to be moving in slow motion. I leaped at Farkas and threw him to the ground, Keevan fell in pain. I threw a punch at Farkas's face. I managed to punch him 2 more times before being ripped off of him and thrown to the rock next to Ember. I groaned as I returned back to my human form. I looked to my right. Ember was knocked unconscious. My fear rose as I tried to wake her up. Blood leaked from her nose and mouth.
"Ember!" I screamed as I shook her. But I was thrown off of her and went flying through the air. My head hit the rock first, and then I blacked out.

The Doctor ran over to the little girl in a rushed pannick. He checked her pulse.
"Alive!" He shouted sounding relieved. He pressed the back of his hand to his forehead. Farkas groaned. We looked in his direction. He looked at Keevan but let him be. Keevan was curled in a ball, clutching his sides, taking in deep, slow breaths. I walked over to him. No one else seemed to want to help. I summoned Dynami over. She approached and looked at him.
"Hey... What's wrong?" I asked Keevan. He looked at us and then back at the ground.
"M-My.... R-R-Ribs" He struggled to get out. I winced as I saw blood start to soak his scales.
"Sh**... I think one or more of his bones may have punctured his lungs..." Dynami said worryingly.
"Sh**." I mumbled. I looked around frantically. I wish Prim was here... She would've been a good doctor.
"Does anyone here, know how to perform a surgery?" I announced. Everyone looked at each other. No one said anything. I sighed.
"I... Might know." Dynami spoke up. Everyone looked at her.

We carried Keevan into the cave. I searched around for anything sharp, then I found my knife in my holster.
"Could you all leave, so I don't feel as pressured." I asked. They nodded and left. I proceed. I took a breath in and started to make an incision down his chest. He groaned in pain.
"Sorry..." I said sincerely. It was the first of many. Then I opened his skin a bit wider to reveal about 6 broken ribs. How was he gonna get around right now, with Karliah out there. 2 of the ribs had punctured his skin, thank god it wasn't in his lungs. I took hold of the first rib and re located it, and did the same to the other. Keevan let out a loud scream. I winced just thinking of how much pain he's in right now. The rest of the ribs were just cracked. I then pulled his skin back together and searched around for something to sew him up with. Then I remembered the wire and hook in my pocket, I used them for fishing. I quickly took them out and tied the end of the wire to the fish hook. This was gonna be pretty graphic sewing him up with a fish hook... But what other choices did I have right now? I pushed the hook through his rough skin, being carefull not to snag other parts of skin. I proceeded in sewing him up. Once finished I put my supplies back and wrapped a cloth around his chest that Ember gave me. I stood up and looked at my masterpiece. He looked tired and worn down.
"You just stay here by the fire and get some rest. I'm gonna go out there with them... Don't move around too much either... Okay, I think that's everything... Alright." I told him. He groaned a reply that I couldn't quite understand. I walked outside to face everyone.

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