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as alex turned off the camera, he heard the flat's door open.

setting the tripod on it's side, and then the floor, he heard a familiar voice speak up.

"just finish a video?"

alex looked up at the bandana and hat-wearing man.


"cool, i bought some chinese takeaway."


and with that, the two left alex's room and started unpacking the takeaway.

as the two sat on the couch and started eating, george spoke.

"what's it about?"


"the video."

"oh, uh i'm not done with it yet."

"oh, okay."

the two sat in silence for the rest of the meal, the only sound being the fan.

after the meal, alex didn't know what to do.

george was currently making a video.

something about discord school 2, but he didn't really care.

he tried watching some netflix, only to end up scrolling through it for 15 minutes.

he was bored and his head hurt.

he felt guilty.

not knowing what else to do, he went to his room and picked out pyjamas. 

before he left for the bathroom, he realised he left his monitor on, the screen with the video pulled up.

he didn't really have to edit it or put his outro.

so, he went onto youtube and started the uploading process.

once it was done, he stared at the 'upload' button.

he didn't want to do this, but what else did he have to lose?

he clicked it and ran out of the room, into the bathroom and started the shower.

alex liked showers.

it was a way to escape everything wrong in the world.

you could just sit in the tub for hours, letting the heat take control of your thoughts and trap you alive.

but not tonight.

tonight, there was a knock at the door.

at first, Alex tried ignoring it.

he was probably just imagining it.

but then the knocking stopped and he heard a voice.

"alex? we need to talk when you get out."

alex could feel the guilt climbing up his throat, suffocating him.

he didn't reply, and soon enough the other side of the door was quiet.

he didn't know how much longer he could take of this.

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