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george stood in the doorway of his room, not moving.

he had been standing there for what felt like an hour.

even though two minutes had passed.

as soon as alex spoke, he regretted it.

he wanted to ask george how he felt, but he couldn't.

george just looked at him in his black sunglasses.

not muttering a word.

alex knew he would need another shower after this.

he waited a few minutes for george to say something.


the minutes passed like ticking time bombs.

and then, george moved.

he walked passed alex, towards the front door.

alex wanted to speak.

he wanted to apologize.

he wanted to feel okay again.

but george slammed the door.

in an instant, alex locked the bathroom door and started up the shower.

he quickly undressed and got in, letting the somewhat warm water take control of him.

he let the steam fill his lungs.

tears poured down his face as he sat down in the tub.

why did he say that?

why, why why?

why was he so stupid??

his heart was beating too quickly, his mind was racing, his hands shaking.

every part of him felt alone.

he could feel the guilt taking over his lungs, for it had replaced the steam.

he felt like he was choking.

he had to get out of the shower.

as he forced himself to stand, he pulled back the shower curtain and got out.

his body was still shaking.

as he stood, soaking wet and breathing heavy, he noticed his phone on the floor.

quickly with wet fingers, he unlocked it and went to his contacts.

he didn't want to bother any of his friends, but he couldn't be alone.

not right now.

first, he called fraser, who didn't pick up.

then, he called james, who did the same.

he skipped over george's contact and went to niall's.


alex didn't speak.

"hey, is this imallen?" niall joked, laughing a little.

ignoring niall and hanging up, he called will.

will had to pick up.

he just had to.

the phone rung once.


three times.

"ey mate, what's up?"

alex couldn't breathe.

his hands were shaking too much.

"mate you there?"

"w-will?" alex's voice came out in a whisper.

"you good?"

"no," alex mumbled before bursting into tears.

"hey mate, calm down, i'll come get you, just stay there."

"you're at home, right?"

"y.. yeah."

"okay, i'll be there in like twenty minutes, just hold on, it'll be okay."

alex didn't know if he could stand twenty more minutes alone.


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