【breaking news!】

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"i was going to ask you if you want to be my boyfriend."

"a young man in his early twenties was hit by a lorry in slough, today."

"no, just go alex, just get the fuck out of here."



"i will be your boyfriend."

"the driver was a 52-year-old man, martin hudson,"bald martin" as some of his close friends called him, especially his estranged stepson, morgan hudson who claims to be an "internet personality worth millions."

"he has died."

"where you've been mate? i've been calling for hours."

"the young man that was hit by the vehicle is unidentified at this time."

"just finish a video?"


"he is in critical condition at upton hospital."

"just leave me the fuck alone, george!"

"doctors say he is expected to  live."

"shut up!"

"now, i'd like to introduce you to the first person to show up on the scene of the accident, martin's wife, jill."

"now jill, how did you get to the scene so fast? where you in the vehicle?"

"well, i just don't really think this is going to work out if you're going to keep acting this way."

"well, you see... bald martin and i were on our way to go get a knife and some rope for our son morgan's new youtube video, which you can find on his youtube channel, morgz."

"mate, how are you feeling?"

"okay, can you please explain to our viewers what happened next?"

"alex i- i'm not going to kiss you, idiot."

"well, yes, i was inside the petrol station, harassing, i mean, uh asking the man behind the counter if we could buy a knife."

"i don't know, i mean i've had girlfriends in the past and stuff, but after my last breakup i started looking at you differently, like i felt strange around you, y'know?"

"and as i was about to kill him myself, i noticed my marty warty had started driving away, so i ran out the door, and tried to get his attention."

"george i love you."

"but, he didn't hear me, so i'm obviously not letting him win the next challenge video."

"ma'am, i'm sorry, but we're about to go on a commercial break, just tell us what happened next, please."

"ugh, fine." "he turned into the road and started driving away as i said. i was going to stop him, when i saw a hooded figure wearing the ugliest hoodie i have ever seen, i mean, it was horrendous, just grim. as i watched him run closer to the vehicle, i smiled, knowing how much i love an old fashioned hit and run, especially right in front of me." 

"i feel that way too."

"as the lorry got closer to the man, my lovely husband swerved out of the way like a fucking idiot, and hit the building across the street from the station."

"okay, well thank you miss hudson."

"after the break, we will interview the self-proclaimed "internet sensation" morgan, better known as morgz, and get his side of the story."

the tv shut off, the screen turning black before the commercials could start.

george turned off the tv, a sigh escaping his lips.

now he knew what niall meant when he said alex hadn't come home.

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