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when alex was dating niall, he tried to convince himself that he was in love. 

he tried telling himself that being in love meant that he had to make the other person happy, and he did that. 

so, that meant he was in love.


sure, he loved niall. 

well, he cared about him at least.

because he cared about niall, that meant that he loved him, right?

because he made the man laugh and smile, that meant that he cared about him, which meant he loved him.

but for some odd reason, alex didn't feel the same way about george.

he didn't feel like he had to make george happy.

he didn't feel like he was obligated to make him laugh or smile.

yeah, alex did care about george, but he didn't feel like he had to prove it like with niall.

he actually felt comfortable being around george.

his nerves would melt, unlike with niall, where he would get a queasy feeling in his stomach every time the platinum blonde boy spoke or sat near him.

alex felt.. content.

he didn't have to try too hard to feel happy.

especially when he was around george.

the two's flat was filled with nervous giggles and spontaneous kisses that made alex's skin burn up but in a good way.

the two quickly realised that they both wanted to make videos.

but they didn't want to do it alone.

so, every few days, particularly on tuesdays and wednesdays, alex would put on one of his gucci hoodies and head over to george's- no, his boyfriend's room.

and the two would talk to the camera like there was no tomorrow.

surprisingly, alex wasn't afraid of making videos with george as he had been in the past.

this time was different.

if alex felt uncomfortable or awkward at any time during the recording, he would turn to george and look into his eyes, while george gently gave alex's hands a reassuring squeeze.

plus, after they recorded the videos, alex and george would lay down on george's bed, george holding alex close to him as they watched netflix.

everything was going great for the couple, for this time, they were actually in love with each other and they weren't afraid to admit it.

the two were so open about their relationship, that george even talked about telling all of their friends.

at first, alex was reluctant, for he knew everyone was still coping over niall's death, and he knew it would be a horrendous idea to announce his new boyfriend just after his ex-boyfriend had died.

eventually, after 3 months of george begging alex, the man decided that enough time had passed.

thankfully, right as alex agreed to george's idea, fraser was hosting a party at his house, to celebrate him reaching 500,000 subscribers.

so, as the two knocked on fraser's front door, they tried to prepare themselves.

george was jumping around, in a nervous-but-excited way.

alex couldn't stop holding onto george's hand, despite his palms burning.

as the two waited for fraser to open the door, george spoke.

"okay, so remember: don't make a big deal."

alex's heart raced at the sound of george's voice, but he stayed calm.

"how is this not a big deal?"

george gripped onto alex's hand tighter.

"i never said it was, babe. i just mean that if they ask if you or me are seeing anyone, we'll just tell them."

"what if they don't ask?" alex asked, closing his eyes.

"well, we can just lightly bring it up in conversation, like "hey, we aren't just flatmates any more guys!" george spoke, throwing his hands out in front of him as if to emphasize the point.

alex snickered.

"god, i love your laugh," george spoke, gently pressing his lips against alex's hair.

alex was so happy george had decided not to wear his mask today.

he looked so handsome without it.

plus, alex loved the feeling of george's clean-shaven chin against his face.

as george went to kiss alex again, the front door opened, making george push alex's face away, almost making the man lose his balance.

"hey guys, we were wondering where you were!" fraser beamed, opening up the doorway more so his friends could enter.

for the next hour and a half, george and alex barely spoke. 

they spoke when they were spoken to, and that was about it, for the two were afraid of accidentally revealing their secret.

but, as everyone was taking a slice of the cake james had made for fraser's party, a small circular chocolate cake with the words "congrats on 500k" spelt in a light pink frosting, george couldn't help but feel like the timing was perfect.

as the conversations were dying down for no one knew what else to talk about, george walked over to alex, making the man look up from his plate of cake.

as soon as alex's eyes met george's he knew what the man was going to do.

so, he nodded his head in agreement and set his plate on the counter as george grabbed a cup and fork off the counter.

lightly, george banged the silverware against the plastic cup, making everyone look at the two.

alex could feel his heart pounding out of his chest, but he didn't care.

he grabbed onto george's hand and squeezed it.

"uhm, alex and i are.. we're dating," george spoke, his voice rough and dry out of fear.

will took off his beanie to scratch his hair.

as he did so, he spoke.

"wow mate, that's...."

will clearly didn't know how to respond, so james stepped up.

"i knew it all along."

fraser started laughing.

ever since that day, alex was no longer in fear.

he wasn't afraid of dating george, for he knew that the man loved him and that their friends were gladly acceptive of their relationship.

he wasn't afraid of making videos anymore, even by himself. he decided to make his first video on his new channel about 90 day fiancee, and this time, he made sure george wasn't in the room, so the two didn't end up having a makeout session.

but of course, he still made videos with george, and he loved making them.

but not as much as he loved george.

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