thank you // author's note

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【author's note】

hey, i just wanted to say thank you. for literally everything. thank you for reading this book, thank you for voting and leaving comments, just, thank you.

it really means a lot to me that people care enough about this book to want another chapter. i know that's stupid, but i mean it. if people didn't comment their reactions or their excitement for another chapter, this book probably wouldn't be this long.

i know not a lot of people are going to read this, just because it's not crucial to the story, but that's okay, they've already read the book this far, which means a lot to me. it really does.

i never would have thought this book would even hit 100 reads, let alone 10,672 reads.

it's pretty fucking insane if you think about it.

i just want to say thank you so much to everyone. i love every single one of you.

【tips on writing?】

now, i've gotten a few comments of people saying that my writing is good. and to those people, thank you so much. 

i wanted to share how i wrote this story.

how i started, at least with the first 3 chapters (which i wrote in one day) i just thought of two things: 

- alex wants to quit youtube videos

- alex likes george

that's pretty much how i started writing, and i just branched off on the idea from there.

to be honest, i never intended for niall to become more than a side character, i never intended him to ask alex out.

i never even intended to make niall die or to make alex get run over.

the only reason why i wrote it, was because i was influenced by music, and i think music can really help you with the writing process.


before i finish off this story for good, i'd just like to mention a few people.

CandyflossPigs - i met her only a few weeks ago, and she's already one of my closest friends. she's given me amazing music to listen to, some of which have influenced my writing. she inspires me to write, and she is one of the reasons why i've realised it doesn't matter how many people have read your writing; what matters is that you enjoy what you're writing. she has even inspired me to start a cult with her, "shrek cult" (it's a lot more fun than it sounds i promise) she helps me make fun of my friend who asks like an actually 5-year-old. (i'm not a bad person it's an inside joke i promise lmao)

thank you so much lucy, ily man <3

Anthony3434 - he's been my friend for about a year now, and he's honestly so fucking amazing and brave. although he hasn't really influenced my writing, he's always been there for me, he's a really amazing friend and i fucking love him. he has a really cute story going on right now, and i totally recommend reading it, his writing process is amazing.

thanks dad, ily <3

ethie- even though i don't know you personally, i'd just like to thank you for writing paragraphs in the comment section. i love how you've given the characters advice and you just seem very nice. thank you <3


i'd just like to end this story off with a thank you. thank you to everyone that's read this book, thank you for all of the votes and comments, it truly means the world to me.

if you want to read more of my stories, i have another book "beachwalk" (it's pyrocynical x imallexx, not sure how many people would like that though) 

i also might be making a second george and alex book, but i don't have any ideas :(

if you have any ideas or suggestions, don't be afraid to comment below!

i have a twitter, but i just use it to talk about random shit lmao

(it's whatsyourbbm_)

i also have a second account where i have a book dedicated to writing advice, so if you want some tips on writing, check out wonderlustloser :)

that's really all i have to say, but i just want to let you know that i love and appreciate each and every one of you, even if you read this story and hated it lol.

thank you so much for everything, i  love you guys <3


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