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4 months.

alex had spent that last 4 months trying to hide his pain.

trying to hide the guilt.

he was supposed to be over niall now, he loved george and george loved him.

but he couldn't stop thinking about how niall had died 4 months ago and his funeral was already less than a week away.

he tried to push the thoughts to the back of his head.

even though george didn't know this, he helped alex forget.

just his presence was enough to make alex forget about everything and anything.

and for a while, it worked.

alex was happy when he made videos with george.

he was happy when the two watched tv in george's room, the two too keen on each other to even watch what was happening on the screen.

and alex loved that.

he loved waking up in george's arms, he loved every part of his boyfriend.

but, one day, alex had forgotten what it was like to be loved.

it was a sunny day, but the sun felt more like a stab in the back once george left.

alex had woken up before george, so he went to sit on the sofa in the living room.

after about ten minutes of scrolling through the comments on his and george's latest video, where they looked at expensive mansions, alex looked up to see george standing above him.

"hey," alex softly spoke, standing up and hugging the man.

george kissed alex's head and pulled away.

"i'm going to go to the shops to get some food for breakfast."

alex's smile only grew.

"okay, let me go get my hoodie an-"

george stopped him.

"no, i want this breakfast to be a surprise, alright? it's for a certain anniversary," george hinted at, before walking into the corridor between the living room and the front door.

as alex tried to think of what anniversary george was talking about, the man spoke.

"love you, al."

"love you too, george."

and with that, george shut the door and the flat became silent.

at first, it wasn't a big deal.

alex spent a good half hour on his phone until it died.

so then he went to find his charger.

after searching all over the flat, alex found himself sitting on the floor of george's bedroom.

he sat there for a while, his dead phone in his hands.

but then he stood up, for he knew if he didn't do something, he would start thinking about niall and how his funeral was next week.

so, he went to the kitchen and opened up the cupboard.

but he remembered that george was bringing home breakfast, so he sat back down on the sofa.

he got up only 5 seconds later because he couldn't find the tv remote.

he walked into his bedroom and to his computer.

there had to be something to distract him.

maybe he could make a video.

alex got out his tripod from under his bed and set it up. 

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