【painful attempt】

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as he watched his boyfriend move away from the camera, he couldn't help but feel worried.

"okay, it's set up, just press the button when you're ready," he spoke, sitting down on the chair next to him.

the blonde took a deep breath.

he wasn't sure if he could do this.

his arms felt heavy and his voice felt hoarse.

yeah, he couldn't do this.

"o-okay, i'm ready," he spoke, immediately regretting what he said.

as his boyfriend pressed the 'start' button, he felt his body go numb.

"hey, guys welcome back to a new video, i know it's been a while."

just hearing him speak to the camera made his lungs burn.

" just so you guys know... this video is sponsored by raid shadow legends."

"niall get the fuck out of here!" george yelled, getting up from his seat and chasing the taller male out of the room, shutting and locking the door behind him.

george sat back down next to alex, grabbing his hand and giving it a tight squeeze.

"you want me to restart?"

alex nodded.

as george walked behind the camera for the 5th time in a row, he examined his boyfriend.

he was frowning and had his hands in his hair.

george could tell he was close to crying.

it looked like he already had, his eyes puffy and his face red.

"alex, we- i mean you don't have to do this, you can come back later."

alex mumbled something.

"no, we have to do this now."

"okay, but are you sure?"

a nod.

reluctantly, george clicked the 'start' button and walked back to his seat.

"okay, just, if you don't know what to say, just lean back in your chair."

alex ran his hands through his hair for what felt like the 10th time today.




"just remember, i love you, okay?"

alex felt sick.

a few seconds passed before george realised the man wasn't going to respond.

but he understood that he was under a lot of pressure, so he talked first.

"hello guys, if you're new to this channel, you may not know who i am or who the person sitting next to me is."

george paused, giving alex a chance to introduce himself if he wanted to, but he didn't.

"i'm george, and i have my own youtube channel, memeulous, and this absolute unit over here is alex, he's the owner of this channel."

"uhm.... a few weeks ago alex uploaded a video explaining that he was leaving youtube."

alex felt the room spin.

he felt sicker than sick.

"and uh, do you want to explain the video?" george spoke, turning to his boyfriend.

alex felt shaky.

like, when something bad has happened to you shaky.

so, with his logic, he could only think of one place to go.

he stood up from his chair, making george stop talking about whatever he was saying.

"alex what're you...."

"i just need to take a shower, okay george?"

"what? you've been taking them nonstop, what's going on with you?"

"i just, i can't explain it, okay george?" alex replied in a hoarse voice, walking past the camera.

george stood up and started walking towards him.

"alex, we're a couple, you're supposed to tell me these things, what's your fucking problem?!"

george hadn't raised his voice like that since will ripped his yugioh card.

at that moment, alex didn't know what to do.

he had panic on his brain.

as he started walking out the door, george grabbed onto his hoodie sleeve.

"alex, tell me what the hell is going on with you."

not thinking straight, alex grabbed the door and flung it closed.

as he did so, he heard george cry out in pain.

imallexx x memeulous // 【try】✔Where stories live. Discover now