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the room was silent.

george had moved to the couch next to where alex slept, messing around on his phone.

alex was sitting on the couch he had woke up on.

he couldn't breathe.

the silence was suffocating him.

he had to say something.

but he didn't know how to start.

he needed a shower more than ever.

"g-george," alex squeaked, making the shorter male look up.


"i'm sorry."

a few seconds passed.

alex felt like he was going to pass out.

"alex it-" george sighed.

"i'm sorry i left i just didn't know how to react, you know? like, it feels weird hearing you talk that way and i just... i don't know."

"for a while i've just kind of been... questioning myself."

alex looked up.

"what do you mean?"

george sighed.

"i don't know, i mean i've had girlfriends in the past and stuff, but after my last breakup i started looking at you differently, like i felt strange around you, y'know?"

alex's chest fluttered.

"yeah, i've been feeling something like that when i'm around you."

"my heart beats fast, my skin feels hot, my mouth is dry and i feel a little scared."

"i feel that way too," george spoke, adjusting his bandana.

the room fell silent yet again.

the only sound that could be heard was will's shower running.

"so..." george started.

alex's heart sped up.

he looked up at george, and for once, he didn't hate his stupid disguise.

he was happy he couldn't see george's face.

"since we uh.... y'know like each other...."

alex looked up.

"uh, you're my best mate, you know that, right?"

"yeah," alex felt a smile start to creep on his face.

"and well uh since we kind of, i dunno, like each other."

alex was blushing.


"i think you should move out."

alex's smile disappeared.

his lips trembled and he felt hopeless.

why did he let himself get his hopes up?

george noticed his friend's shift in emotion.

"mate i was joking."

alex looked up at george, trying to see his face through the tears.


even though alex couldn't see it, george's face softened.

"i was joking mate, i thought you'd pick up on that."

"i only said it because i thought it was obvious to what i was going to say."

alex was starting to become angry.

"well what were you going to say?" he spoke in an almost threatening tone.

"i was going to ask you if you want to be my boyfriend."

the room fell silent.



"i will be your boyfriend."

george smiled.


"holy shit i'm going to put this in the next twoti!"

alex and george turned their heads to the right to see a shirtless will with a bath towel wrapped around his waist holding a camera, obviously excited.

alex blushed.

"i'm going to kick your arse, will!" alex screamed, getting up from the couch, running towards the geordie.

"the more content the better!" will yelled, running away from alex, making sure to point the camera at him.

after the two had settled down and george had stopped chanting alex's name, the 3 were sitting down watching black mirror. but alex wasn't paying attention. all he could think about was how everything was uphill from here. he didn't have to hide from george anymore, and the two would be just fine.

well, that's what alex thought.

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