09.| ʰᵉʳᵒᵉˢ!

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ineedsleep has added johnnybravo, dadzawa, loudcockatoo and six other contacts to a group chat!

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ineedsleep has added johnnybravo, dadzawa, loudcockatoo and six other contacts to a group chat!

ineedsleep has named the group chat 'heroes!'


except endeavor


you aren't a hero.
not after what you did to my sho >:(


not sorry

Hello y/n!


[ineedsleep]:OMG ITS BEST PRINCIPAL <33

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Thank you for making the chat, dear!

np <33

this is excellent!
now i can send all my pictures ;)

ma'am i will kick you out of the group chat.

love you tho <3

please don't <3

Hello, young l/n!

Also, may I ask a question or two?


Who is this 'johnny bravo'?

Why do only certain people have hearts?

cuz she dont love you lmao

hawks, don't be a meanie >:(
and to answer the question, i honestly put them
on people who i feel close to, ig?

and the name because johnny bravo was a
cartoon character that was as strong as you!

I'm glad you see me as someone strong,
young l/n!

sorry darling
and aw, you care about me <33

where's my heart?!

sorry hun!
i'll do it rn <3

ineedsleep has changed 'bugsbunny' to 'bugsbunny<3'!

there you go <3

thanks, kid <33

hold up
we're just going to ignore the fact 
that hawks called y/n 'darling'?

someone's jealous~

l/n kick her out.

on it

ineedsleep has kicked bignono for 69 minutes!

im not like that, chill

there's a reason my i put your user like
that, aizawa
you care about me and 1-a deeply!!

dadzawa has left the chat!








bitch im bouta exposed you

hawtbirb<3 has closed the chat! | reason: you didnt gotta do endeavore like that-


hawtbirb<3 has started a private chat with ineedsleep!

we need to talk



is everything alright?

i'll be at your dorm in a few

you didn't answer my question

im sorry, darling

hawtbirb<3 has closed the chat! | reason: on my way <3

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧


a/n; i couldn't find a hawks gif without it being from tumblr (wattpad doesn't allow it) and i am r a g i n g

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