12.| ᵗʰᵉ ᵇⁱᵍ ⁴!

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ineedsleep has entered the 'big 4' chat!

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ineedsleep has entered the 'big 4' chat!


is this the 1-a chat?

y/n are you high again

this is hawks,,,,

why do you have y/n's phone-


sorry about him!

y/n i love you but wtf

why was hawks in your room-

were you getting some 👀


that wasn't a no


[elfbby]:what was y/n getting?

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what was y/n getting?




is it true, y/n?


in a nutshell, birdy was feeling a tad 
bit sad so he talked to me about it
and then i put him to sleep :)

that's sweet,,,,,

what were you guys talking about?

i smell a nosy neijire


but i'm not allowed to say :(
all i can say is that it revolved around a side job of his
hawks heard some things and it kinda became
a burden to him

so he put his burdens on you..?

that doesn't sound like a good deal,,,,

are you sure you're okay with
the information?
hawks really shouldn't be telling you
things like this.

it's fine!
i've heard worse, i think,,

that's not any better

y/n this isn't good for you!
it's not okay to be holding someone
else's problems!

y/n, hun, i adore you
but mirio and amajiki are right
hawks is a pro, he should know better than
to do this.

he really needed the help though.
you guys know how i feel about this.

ineedsleep has left the chat!


𝘆/𝗻 𝗹𝗲𝘁 𝗮 𝘀𝗶𝗴𝗵 𝗲𝘀𝗰𝗮𝗽𝗲 her lips as she softly dropped her phone next to her.
the action not going unnoticed by the hero that sat at her desk.
"what's wrong?"

"they keep telling me you shouldn't have told me about the villain stuff." she huffed out

he let out a fatigue sigh himself, leaning his head back.
"i'm starting to think they're right."

"hawks! i am perfectly fine with you telling me!"
 she gave him a small glare.

"i know, darling. but, i really should have kept that all to mys-"

the girl's phone started ringing.

y/n picked it up without hesitation and answered right away.
"hello, sleep deprived girl speaking."

.amajiki speaking. | .y/n speaking.

"h-hey!i-i'm sorry about what i said..
i-i should h-have never said anything!
please forgive me!"

"it's okay!
i understand where you three were coming from.
don't apologize!"

"b-but is it r-really okay?
i-i'm worried about you, y-y/n.."

"i've b-been hearing from kirishima a-and
he's saying that e-everyone tells you their
problems..? y/n, t-that can't be healthy.."

"amajiki, baby, i'm fine.
i appreciate the worry, but i'm fine!"

"w-what you're doing is not fine though!
there's nothing fine with what you're doing!"

"mirio used to do this too, y/n!
i-i can't have another person do the same mistake.."

"kirishima isn't wrong!
people have been coming to me, and
i welcome them with open arms!"

"if a person isn't happy, then i have to help!"

"i-it's their problem dammit!
you can't be there for everyone!"

"y-you're being s-selfless, and that isn't good!

t-they can't always rely on you!

they have t-to think about how you feel about it!"

"you have enough p-problems yourself!"


"i-i'm sor-"

y/n has ended the call.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧


a/n; whoopies ;)

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