27.| ʷᵒʳᵏ

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[ warning; mentions of sexual assault ]

━━━━━━𝘀𝗵𝗲 𝘄𝗮𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝘁𝗼 𝗴𝗲𝘁 out of there so badly

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𝘀𝗵𝗲 𝘄𝗮𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝘁𝗼 𝗴𝗲𝘁 out of there so badly. the nurses said she should rest, but god she was itching for something, anything, to work on; to keep her mind distracted. y/n had asked aizawa if he could bring in the classwork she had missed during her time at the hospital, to which he said no. like everyone else, the hero said l/n had to take a break. 

the girl hated that expression; absolutely despised it. only because she was stuck in a vulnerable position did not mean she couldn't do anything.. or at least that's her perspective of this. the cloud-haired student urged for her getaway: work. as much as it sounds off, it was her way of keeping the saddened thoughts out of her head. the insomnia she suffered from supported this.

y/n didn't have any of that; no work. in result, the thoughts she envied the most came crawling back, forcing her to believe the new⎯but familiar voice was right. it's happening all too quickly, she had thought, i wasn't ready for this. though, the girl was expecting it, but not at this time, she had hoped it would come later.

wouldn't it be better if she just e-

a knock at the door. "doll?"

"h-hitoshi.." l/n ever so slightly turned her head towards her fellow insomniac. "be c-careful with the pet names, please."

said boy looked shocked. his 'doll' never refused, so why now? "right, apologies. i'm just.. just really glad you're awake now."


"dol- y/n?"

"hold me.."

"what..?" he tilted his head.

"hitoshi, h-hold me." she held her arms out, a sob escaping her throat. "p-please.."

"h-hey! what's wrong?" shinsou complied never less, worry lacing over his voice as he pulled the fragile girl into a soft hug, an arm around her waist.

"g-god not there.. not where he-" she cut herself off, silently moving his bicep from her torso to be placed over her shoulder.

"oh." it clicked as he examined her neck, unwanted love bites trailing down, abruptly stopping at the girl's collarbone. "you didn't tell anyone?"

she whimpered out a no. "i-i hid it as best as i could from sensei, but i think he knew, just never mentioned it." a cool breeze was what made her flinch, wind blowing on the bruised, exposed skin. 

"are you comfortable with.. with telling me who did this?" 

"y-you were there, right? yeah.. i saw you next to aizawa." the victim slowly nodded, agreeing with herself. "i-i was pulled away from the room you were all in, the heroes. overhaul, he.. i-it happened too quickly! i couldn't- i was just-."
"i s-swear i tried to s-stop him! he.. he was too much." she choked out. "i thought i-i knocked him out. i thought.. i thought.. i thought i could be usef-"

"y/n, don't talk yourself down like that." hitoshi passed a hand through her cloudy hair. "you fought, and that's all that matters. you're safe now, and i won't let anyone touch you again." he pressed their foreheads together, his lavender orbs meeting her e/c ones. "i promise."

"t-thank you." the girl sniffled, caressing his cheek while rivers of tears traveled down her face. "thank you so much.."

"anything for you."

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

a/nhello there ! fancy seeing you here ! i have come back from my small break an will be updating regularly for the most part !
i also want to express how much i appreciate your support! i had never thought this would've blown up !
{had to repost this since last time there was confusion}

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