10.| ʰᵃʷᵏˢ

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(i recommend playing the song above! no, you do not have to listen to the song for one hour, i just wanted it to last through the whole chapter. volume should be increased!)

𝘆/𝗻 𝗷𝘂𝗺𝗽𝗲𝗱 𝗮𝘀 𝘀𝗵𝗲 heard a knock on her window

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𝘆/𝗻 𝗷𝘂𝗺𝗽𝗲𝗱 𝗮𝘀 𝘀𝗵𝗲 heard a knock on her window. it was evening, the darkness slowly consuming what ever was left of daylight. the girl had just finished placing down a disc, the record player humming out a soft tune as it played. she glanced back at the glass frame, meeting eyes with familiar, but scared yellow ones.

"hawks? what's going on?"

"just let me inside. i'll explain, darling." the pro hero pleaded.

and so y/n opened her window, letting the blond step into the cozy dorm room. his gaze looked back outside, as if checking if anyone followed. hawks reached into his hero costume's jacket, and flung sheets of paper onto the girl's bed.

l/n stared at him, weirdly. "what is this?"

keigo plucked out a black marker from y/n's pencil holder. the marker glided away on the sheet of paper, he then held it out in front of him, covering the lower half.

'you have to promise me not to tell anyone.'

her gaze wandered up to his, as if saying 'really? you know you can tell me anything.'

though takami's expression stayed blank, with a hint of sadness.

she just nodded.

he uncovered the bottom half of the paper.

'i work as a spy for a group, can't say which. they told me my job was to 'join' the league of villains and find out what they're planning next.'

'i followed their orders. the league didn't fully trust me, so they put a chip in me. the damn thing keeps track of me and what i say. i think they put one in my phone, not sure.."

the paper started trembling, but she kept reading.

'i thought it was going to be easy, and it kinda was. but, i got to know them. as in, i got to know what they like doing, favorite songs, memories, stories..'

"y/n.." hawks voice broke said girl out of her trance.

she looked up at him. he was passing a hand through his messy locks.

"..they're good people. th-they just had the wrong chance.. people treated them horribly, y/n.." the pro hero's voice cracked. "i don't want to hurt them.."

the cloud-haired female quietly took off takami's goggles, as he was still in his hero outfit, and gently put them down on her desk. she wiped the edges keigo's eyes that were brimming with tears. "it's okay, birdy.. i'm here."

y/n sat down on her bed, patting the empty spot next to her. hawks took a seat where the girl was signaling to. the moment he did, she pulled him into a hug. 

"let it out, birdy, it's okay."

and the hero did, his face buried at the crook of her neck, and his scarlet red wings unconsciously wrapped around the duo. he choked back sobs, tears were still spilling onto the female's shoulder. hawks mumbled out parts of stories he was told from the so called 'bad guys.' heartbreaking ones.

so tragic, that the girl joined him, resting her chin on top of his head. she let water flow from her eyes.

it was rare, finding y/n in a vulnerable moment like this.
she never really showed emotions beside happiness, which her classmates took note of.
something must have really hit her to ha-

the door creaked open.

"l/n?" a voice called. 

said girl glanced behind her, a confused pikachu at the wooden frame. "h-hm?"

"o-oh! i'm sorry, was i interrupting something?" kaminari asked, looking away from the two.
the boy wasn't wrong. the position they were in made it look like something else, especially with a pair of red wings covering denki's view.

"y-yeah, you were. can y-you close the door?" her voice had gotten smaller.

and then they were left alone again.


discountpikachu has entered the 'lovelies' chat!

six people are online!

i totally didn't just see y/n 
being fucked

what the f u c k.


if this is one of your tricks, denki..

no way


i swear on all might im not bluffin

how'd they look like?

all i saw were red wings

it's hawks.

isn't he like twenty???

how are you so sure?

who else has red wings?

he's got a point..

there was like,,,,,
a romance song playing too,,,,,

i think i can hear the music.

angrypomeranian has left the chat!

izuwu has closed the chat! | reason: investigation time, bitches.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧


a/n; whoopies, my finger slipped ;)

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