Twenty Nine

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**Welcome to The Queen's Sunrise ❤️***

The second book to The King's Mate. Where a Queen is put to the test where her past and decisions either make or break her as she slowly rise to become the ultimate Queen of her kind.



Armoy, Ireland

"Get up." A voice says, opening the cell gates. "It's time for lunch."

"I said, I don't want any of your stupid food." Genesis said softly, hugging herself tighter as she went further into the wall.

It's been months since she's gotten captured by the krysters. Cain was not making it easy for her. Mocking her, tormenting her, and leaving her to freeze at night when it the nights were cold enough.

Genesis prayed to the goddess. She waited and waited for her mate's return. For him to rescue her and make her forget all that has happened within the months they had been apart. She wanted to fill her mind, thoughts and soul with him.

But, he never showed.

And, as the days went by, Genesis grew weaker and weaker, her love for her husband dying as she couldn't see her soulmate.

"Well," a voice says, making her flinch. "We need you to be alive, so you need to eat something."

"Go to Tartarus Cain." Genesis says, glaring up at him."I'd rather die than be here another second with you."

"Now now Genesis." Cain says, "That's not how we greet each other now do we?"

Cain slowly walked up to her sitting frame, smiling before taking the plate of food and dumping it on her. "You killed my brother, and you expect me to show you mercy?"

"Then just kill me."

Cain took his large right hand, and held her chin, urging her to face him. His eyes held no remorse as he looked her dead in the eye, tightening his grip around her chin.

"Death will bring you peace. It will bring me no satisfaction and it would be a pleasure to watch you suffer after everything you've done."

Before Genesis could reply, Cain took the food and stuffed it in her mouth, causing her gag and spit it out.

"Cherish it now, you won't be getting anything else for the next 3 weeks." Cain hissed before stepping away from her. "Alright! Wrap it up. Chain her arms, and don't get any bright ideas, understand me?"

The guards muttered a 'yes sir' before following orders.


"Why did you leave me?" A voice says, making Genesis flinch. She was yet again consumed in her darkness, an empty void that was always her friend no matter the circumstances in her life.

"E-ezra?" Genesis calls, her eyebrows scrunching together in confusion.

"I-I didn't leave you. I had to leave to protect our son." Genesis replies once again to the voice. "I would never leave you."

"You promised to never break my heart." The voice says brokenly. "You promised me forever."

"And I'll forever keep that promise." Genesis says, her eyes now filling with water. "I will always and only love you!"

"Are you sure about that?" The voice questions, and within that time period, she had realised just how the little piece of sanity she had left went along with the same voice.

The Queen's Sunrise | Starkys Series #2Where stories live. Discover now