The Return

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As Katniss walks back from the large woods, she feels the exhaustion hit harder than usual. Her pace slows as she starts to arrive at the Victor's Village. She could see a small figure from a far with the familiar blonde hair of her neighbor Haymitch. This sight made her cautious, rather than joyful.

Haymitch never came outside, he barely left his torn-up chair for any of her visits. Since the rebellion, Haymitch has been dealing with the challenges of alcohol withdrawals. During the rebellion he had a reason to stay sober, but now there was no reason other than Katniss's insistence. Katniss rarely saw him, so seeing the figure ahead of her, brought shock and confusion.

Although she was anxious to see and talk to him, she could barely keep an even pace, the sudden tiredness she felt was so overwhelming.

Soon she was closing in on the gates and another figure came into view. The figure was smaller, kneeling on the ground beside Haymitch.

As Katniss tried to focus on who was with Haymitch by the garden bed, she couldn't think of who it could be. The short hair confirmed it wasn't Effie nor Sage, and as she stared more intensely, she felt her steps involuntarily speed up. Her curiosity had overthrown the tiredness she felt.

"Peeta." She whispered under her breath as she started to recognize the ashy-blonde boy kneeling on the ground. In seconds she found herself only feet away from the two, but her eyes remained glued on the boy.

"Hey sweetheart." Haymitch said turning to Katniss as she stopped short of the garden bed staring dreamingly at the boy that was kneeled in front of him. Her gaze refused to leave Peeta, as he quietly tended to the garden. "This is my que." Haymitch, seeing he was not needed, stated before walking away from the two and towards his own home.

"Peeta." Katniss said a little louder, still not believing the sight in front of her. Her eyes could not look away. She stared intently at the boy as he turned, relieving his calm expression that Katniss missed for weeks.

At the sight of him, she felt the hope that she believed was gone forever, return at the form of his smile once his eyes landed on her. His slight smile made Katniss short for words, breathless. It was seconds later that she finally spoke, still feeling the shock set in.

"You came home?" She asked unsure if this was a nightmare and she would wake to him being killed or taken away from her once again.

Katniss felt paralyzed in her spot, holding onto every breath she saw him breath. He stood from his kneeling position and turned his entire body towards her. His eyes remained set on hers, unable to be broken.

"Yeah." He whispered just loud enough for Katniss to hear. Katniss's scared expression turned into a small smile. It was him. He was here.

With this single word, Katniss dropped the small rabbit that was in her hand as well as the bow, and as the clattering of the items sounded, Katniss walked forward. Peeta willingly opened his arms to Katniss and held her fragile body in his embrace.

"Always." He whispered under his breath as his chin rested on top of her shoulder.

Katniss could feel the tension in his back, as she held on tighter. Katniss peered her head just above Peeta's shoulder, looking at the bright flowers that were newly planted in the garden bed. She looked at the line of them, admiring the bright yellow.

"Are those..." Katniss felt the word get caught in her throat, and she rested her head back onto his upper chest, trying to stop the small tears from leaking down her face.

"Primrose." Peeta whispered as he brushed his hand through Katniss's hair. He could hear her breath quicken by his single word. "I'm so sorry, Katniss." He whispered once again, more clearly into her ear.

Katniss remained in his embrace, not wanting to leave him again, not wanting to speak of her beloved sister, not wanted anything but peace in his arms.

She felt herself move from his arms and back away slowly, as her fingers went to get rid of her sign of tears. Peeta looked up at her and his heart broke, seeing the anguish so promptly shown in her eyes.

"I told Haymitch we'd have dinner with him." Peeta said breaking the silence. Katniss was grateful for the change in subject. "Looks like you got it covered." The light laughter of Peeta sounded as he looked down onto the rabbit that Katniss had brought back.

Katniss's true small smile made Peeta's heart race for the first time in a long time, and he was happy she wasn't as broken as he was.

"Haymitch and dinner?" Katniss joked as she picked the rabbit and bow back up. "I think I need a fatter rabbit." Her small chuckles mixed with Peeta's.

Peeta's gaze went down to the ground. Katniss watched in awe as Peeta knelt down and grabbed the gardening tools he had beside him. She didn't want to leave him, although she didn't know where he was going next, she hoped it was her house.

Then Peeta stood and looked over at Katniss before beginning to walk, and without a second to spare, Katniss followed at his side. He was walking towards their two houses, but when he didn't cross over to his, Katniss let out a sigh of relief.

"I wasn't sure if the houses were locked or..." Peeta's excuse was anything but convincing as they approached Katniss's house, and he knew it. She looked up at her house after his sentence and saw the few bags that Peeta had brough with him sitting at her door. Katniss felt the hope in her chest inflate at the sight of his things.

"This house is too big for one person." Katniss said, trying to hide her smile that was beginning to form. She placed her things on the ground before opening the door for the two of them.

"I can-" Peeta said trying to take the single bag that Katniss picked up, out of her hands.

"I got it." Katniss said pulling it from his reach and smiling over her shoulder. Peeta felt the ease of relief rush through his body. He didn't want to be a burden to her, he wanted anything but that.

As he followed Katniss up the stairs, he felt the sense of home again, enjoying the feeling that had been taken from him long ago. Being with Katniss again, gave him a sense of calmness and stability.

Katniss felt herself hesitate as she passed the guest bedroom and went into the main. Peeta saw the slightly pause and felt joy flood into his chest as they continued. Then, she turned into her own bedroom and Peeta felt a smile start to form on his face.

He looked around the room and was not surprised by the simplicity of it. There were two dressers, a nightstand, and a bare closet.

"What?" Katniss asked with a small smile of her own, as she caught sight of Peeta's wide smile. When Peeta remained silent and stared deep into her eyes, she continued "I figured you wouldn't have enough room in the guest bedroom." Katniss felt her cheeks get warm at her own terrible excuse and she quickly looked down.

"You're right. It just wouldn't feel...." Katniss looked up at Peeta, admiring the kindness he showed, that she had missed so much. "comfortable."

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