Chapter 8

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Few Days Later...

Peeta stared out the window, admiring the soft reds, pinks and oranges that lit the sky. He rubbed his eyes, trying to get himself out of the haze that had engulfed him all night. He couldn't sleep, he didn't want to. Anytime he closed his eyes, it only brought pain.

He finally stood from the side of his bed and went towards Katniss's room to see if she was awake. As he walked to the entrance of her room, he saw her sitting up on the edge of her bed, staring out the window. She looked to be in the same haze that he had just pulled himself from.

He stared at her longingly, watching each of her movements, trying to figure out the item that was rolling between her fingers.

He stayed silent, as he watched the item, trying to pinpoint what it was, but the rapid rolling made it unrecognizable.

Swiftly, Katniss stopped, raised the item closer to her face, admiring it. She then put it up to her soft lips, momentarily. And suddenly Peeta realized it was the pearl that he had given her on the beach.

At the sight of the small pearl, his heart grew warm. He stared at her as she unpaused and started rolling the pearl within her fingers again, lifting her head to the window.

Minutes later, Peeta thought it was best to start breakfast, so that Katniss had something to look forward to. He walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. He took the supplies he needed out and began the cheese rolls he promised to make.

Katniss turned her head at the sound of Peeta beginning to cook in the kitchen. As she stood from her bed and exited her bedroom, she peered over the railing, in hopes to get a glimpse of him.

She leaned on the railing just staring down at him. He seemed so simply happy as he rolled the dough and sprinkled the cheese. She felt a small smile appear on her own face watching as his calmness remained wholesome.

After watching Peeta for what seemed like only seconds, Katniss reentered her room and changed quickly. She looked at herself in the mirror and hoped that having her hair down would hide the bags under her eyes.

As Katniss walked down the stairs, Peeta looked up. He watched as she walked up to him with her head down. Then, when Katniss finally sat at the counter across from Peeta, her head was lifted.

"Good morning." Peeta said as he looked over her face. As beautiful as she looked, he hated seeing how sleep deprived she was.

"Morning." She whispered looking into his eyes. Her eyes then shifted over to the bread that rested on the stove. She felt her stomach sound for the first time as she stared at the buns that she already determined were delicious. "They smell great."

"You came down just in time." He said walking over towards the hot buns. He placed a bun on each of the two plates. He placed the first plate in front of Katniss before sitting down with his own.

"Thank you." She said looking down at the bun and then back at Peeta. Their eyes met and Katniss could feel the air disappear in her lungs. His eyes, his bright blue eyes always caught her off guard, made her want to open up and tell him all the things she held deep down, all the feelings she could not explain.

Peeta looked back down at his bun before beginning to eat. Katniss watched as he did this before beginning to eat herself.

Katniss had finished before Peeta and she stood to take care of her plate. Peeta looked up at her, watching her move around the room, but then went to exit.

"Where are you going?" Peeta asked. Katniss stopped at his voice and turned to face him. Peeta watched as her expression softened slightly.

"I was going to go get the game that I left in the field a few days ago." Katniss said standing firmly in the doorway, waiting for Peeta to respond.

"That's a good idea. It's a beautiful day." Peeta said looking down at his crumbs, trying to hide the disappointment that he felt. Katniss watched his movements, trying to imagine what he could be thinking. Although she would never imagine Peeta in the woods he had come to find her the other day.

He had also stayed at her house, though he wasn't holding her at night, he was in the next room. He was making an effort, maybe this was her time to show the effort she was ready to make.

"Will you come with me?" Katniss's small voice made Peeta lift his head quickly. He waited to show his sweet smile. Peeta's chest had filled with hope from her request and he nodded shortly.

Within the hour, they were out the door. Peeta was beside Katniss as they walked quietly to the fence. Katniss had exchanged glances over to Peeta although they were unnoticed.

Katniss ducked under the wires and turned to wait for Peeta as he did the same, but he stopped just short. His head was up towards the sky looking around.

"Peeta?" Katniss whispered, unsure of what was happening to him. She went to go back under but was instantly stopped when she heard Peeta scream her name. She felt her chest tighten up with fear as she turned to him.

"Katniss! STOP! The electricity! Don't you hear it!?" Peeta said looking down towards the end of the fence and then back at Katniss with wide eyes. His deep quick breathes showed he was on the edge of an episode.

"Peeta the electricity has been turned off for years, it doesn't-" Katniss went to touch the wire and as she did, Peeta's hand caught hers. Their hands were just an inch from each wire that crossed above and below.

He looked up at her, through the wires, with big eyes, thinking he had to save Katniss. He pleaded with his eyes for her to listen to him, but as much as he was trying to save her, she was trying to save him.

Katniss look down at their hands and began guiding their hands towards the wires, so he could see the electricity was not on. Katniss could feel the resistance that Peeta's hand had against hers. She then looked up at him. As her eyes met his, she spoke to him.

"Trust me." Her words were not breaking through to him. "Trust me." She spoke softer and as his resistance faded, she moved her hand to the wire. Their eyes were still locked, so Peeta did not see that their hands were resting on one of the wires until Katniss's eyes fell.

Once Peeta glanced at their hands, he saw that they were on top of the wires; his fears ceased and the buzzing he once heard was suddenly gone. He looked back up at Katniss and she could see his eyes returning to their ocean blue color. Katniss held his hand as he climbed through the wires.

He stumbled momentarily ducking between the wires, so instinctively, Katniss reached for his other hand, and helped steady him. Although Peeta did not know, this touch, this warmth, it comforted her.

Her soft eyes remained on Peeta until he stood on two feet, firmly in front of her. Peeta's return of his pure blue eyes was all the thanks that Katniss needed.

Peeta's hands remained in hers as she searched his eyes to make sure he was back, fully back.

Then, when she confirmed the fact, she held tightly to his right hand, dropped the other, and started to walk forward. Peeta didn't need her steadiness now, but she needed his.

The next couple of days followed with the same calm, quiet moments between them. Each wanted more, wanted each other, but this, whatever this was between them. It kept them content.

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