Chapter 2

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Katniss was only a few feet from the steps when the door swung open.

"Hey! I was just-" Peeta's wide smile faded slightly as he looked closer at Katniss. He saw the puff under her eyes that only her tears brought, and her sadden expression was all too familiar. "Are you okay?" Katniss hadn't realized she had stopped until Peeta sped to her.

When Peeta stood in front of her, showing a confused expression, he looked into her now dry eyes.

While Peeta tried to understand what had happened without a word from Katniss, she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer. Peeta soon wrapped his arms around her waist, and his head rested just above her shoulder.

Peeta was worried about Katniss, but he figured the silence of the moment needed to remain. She would tell him when she was ready. Peeta's hands massaged Katniss's back, traveling up and then down.

Katniss lightened her grip around Peeta before stepping away. She looked up into his bright blue eyes, and she felt the calming blueness overcome her. Peeta stared lovingly back into Katniss's eyes, patiently watching her.

"How's dinner coming?" Katniss asked, breaking the peaceful silence. She needed a change in topic desperately, and he could sense it.

"Oh yeah, it's smelling great, honestly it's hard to hold myself back." Peeta said with his light laughter as he turned his body towards her house. He exchanged a look with Katniss over his shoulder, pleading for her through his eyes to follow.

"Well, I'll come help you stay away." Katniss said with a small smile, walking up to Peeta and taking his hand in hers. Peeta felt his stomach flip with excitement as Katniss walked beside him.

As distraught as Katniss felt, she needed his closeness and kindness now more than ever. When Peeta's fingers wrapped around hers, she let out a sigh of relief.

An hour and a half had passed, and Katniss was starting to package the warm food for their dinner with Haymitch. Peeta watched her carefully take each pan, placing each on top of the other. He was mesmerized by her developed patience.

"Peeta." Katniss said as she looked up at him. His eyes were fixed on her working hands that he had not noticed her lift her head. At the sound of her voice, Peeta looked up at her. "Aren't the rolls about to burn?" Katniss laughed lightly as her eyes shifted to the oven.

Peeta followed her gaze, and quickly realized there was a light amount of smoke coming from the oven. Peeta felt himself stuck in a haze, but he opened the oven door and removed the pan.

"Ah!" Peeta said feeling the heat of the pan begin to numb his bare hand.

"God, Peeta." Katniss said as she immediately stood from her chair, watching Peeta's sudden quick movements. He set the pan on the counter as Katniss rushed over to him.

Katniss took his rapidly bristling hand in hers and ushered them to the sink. She began running ice cold water over a rag, and then placed in softly over Peeta' burned hand.

The cold should stop the bristling and the pain that this probably caused him. She thought to herself. Katniss's eyes went back up to Peeta's face and saw as he stared down, confused at his own actions that led to this.

"I don't- I don't know what happened." Peeta muttered with bewilderment. He was shaking his head slowly.

His eyes remained glued on the rag that was wrapped around his hand. His eyes were slightly clouded over, and Katniss could the blueness become duller by the second.

"Hey," Katniss said, wrapping her right hand around Peeta's bare cheek, and redirecting his eyes in her direction. Peeta finally met Katniss's eyes and she could see the fear illuminated in his.

Peeta stared at her as he began to mutter nonsense under his breath. His glare suddenly went down, as his words grew lower, but within the second Katniss pulled his face to hers.

Her thumb caresses his cheek, to soothe him. Peeta's bewildered eyes stared into hers as she spoke, taking in her words. As he stared into her grey eyes, he felt himself escaping the haze.

"Hey, stay with me." She pleaded, watching his eyes as the started to brighten.

In a few seconds, Peeta's eyes were back to their ocean blue. There was still a slight hint of fear, but he was back. Katniss could see that what every had happened, it was over, and he was back here with her.

Katniss removed her hand from Peeta's cheek, looked back down at his hand, and held the wrapped hand in both of hers.

She then flipped the cloth over to see the progress. His bristlers were smaller and the bright red had faded to a pink.

"It looks a lot better." Peeta whispered, causing Katniss to look back up to him. He showed his simple grin, which made Katniss relax even more. "Thank you." Peeta said as Katniss removed the clothe and put in the sink.

"The cold will only subside the pain, I'll have to look at it later." She said as she finished rinsing the cloth through the water. Peeta stayed silent until Katniss turned to face him.

"For helping me get through it." Peeta said with complete serenity as he stared into Katniss's grey eyes. Katniss knew what he means, he was talking about his episode that lead to the burn.

"I'll always help you." Katniss said staring into his calm eyes. Peeta gave her the steadiness she yearned for, the calmness she needed. She knew she would do anything to keep him here, with her.

There was a silence between them, as Peeta decided if he should kiss her, or if he should not. He knew he wanted to, but was it the right time?

They both felt the need for each other's touch, it was only a matter of a few minutes for each of them to decide what to do.

Peeta stepped towards Katniss, the air between only consisting of each other's breath. Peeta wanted to kiss her, even though resisting himself was difficult, he knew it was not the right time.

But when Katniss wrapped her arms around him, he held her tight in his embrace. Katniss' s arms wrapped under his arms and slide up to his upper back.

Peeta kept his arms tight, not letting much distance between them. He felt her body's tenseness and remembered the similarity to the beach.

Peeta flashed to the memories of the Quarter Quell when he hit the force field. Katniss's embrace when he stood was what she was doing now. The need for him was just the same for Katniss from then to now. The worry that filled her body was just as prominent now as before.

Peeta rested his head on her shoulder and breathed in her sweet scent. Katniss's strong embrace made Peeta want to speak.

"I'll never leave you." He whispered into her arm. Peeta wasn't telling Katniss this, he was stating the fact for himself. Although Katniss did not move, she heard his words clearly.

Peeta still cared for her. She did not know in what degree, but he cared. That was enough for now.

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