Chapter Seventy-Six.

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As I laid in bed, I looked out onto the horizon through the window. The ocean looked so calm and so blue. It was perfect. Kate had got up early to go to the gym with mum so I was all alone in the hotel room. All of a sudden, my phone started to vibrate. Picking it up, I saw that it was notifications to say Union J had tweeted. I slid the button to view them.

You guys know that we all love you loads and if it wasn’t for you we wouldn’t be doing what we love but time to get serious for a bit.”

I waited for a few seconds before another notification came up.

I know some of you don’t approve of me and Sammy dating but I love her and if you respect me then you’ll respect the fact that I love her.”

My heart melted as I read it.

Tweeting hate and death threats to her is not acceptable. You don’t realise how much it affects her and when she’s upset, it upsets me.”

My phone buzzed again as I was half way through replying to them.

One tweet in particular that has been dealt with hurt her so much and it really hurt me to think a jcat can cause that much hurt to someone I love.”

I laid in bed grinning at them to myself.

She’s not trying to steal me off you. She’s not trying to do anything. She makes me happy and I’m the one that doesn’t deserve her.”

Each one of the tweets got cuter and cuter.

She’s my girlfriend, I love her and nothing will change that. Respect her as she respects you.”

Finally, my phone stopped vibrating.

Just please, stop the hate and try to accept our relationship. Love George X

As I went to text George, another notification came through.

“I think it’s only fair that jcats work together and trend #SorrySammy to make her smile as we don’t want Sammy to be sad as that’ll make George sad and we love Sammy! Josh x”

I was already grinning at my phone – but dying inside at all the boys’ cuteness.

“#SorrySammy if it trends, we’ll do a twitcam tonight woop woop JJx”

I couldn’t help but giggle at JJ’s typical ‘woop woop’ tweet.

Within minutes my mentions were filled with messages of support and apologies. I knew the majority of them were only saying it and didn’t mean it, but nevertheless it still made me smile. 


Don’t be back too late,” Kate called to me from the bathroom as I sat on the bed, putting my heels on.

“I won’t,” I smiled.

“I’m serious Sammy,” Kate said, appearing in the middle of the bathroom doorway, looking at me with a stare.

“I know.”

“And don’t get drunk,” she added. “I don’t want a hungover bridesmaid.”

“I won’t.”

“Try get some sleep as well as…”

I interrupted her. “I’ll be back at a reasonable time. I won’t get drunk. But I will have fun, ok?” I smiled to her.

“That’s okay then!” Kate grinned. “I know it seems like I’m nagging but..”

I interrupted her again. “But you are nagging..” I laughed.

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