Chapter Twenty - small fake smiles

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It was an effort and a half to get the rest of the boys in the hospital. The paparazzi was given a fake tip off that I was in a different hospital but there was still a lot of people with cameras that chased the boys basically into the hospital, so I was told. I was still in bed, in a horrible hospital gown, being entertained by Calista and Mairead. We were basically just eating heaps and talking; but all I wanted to do was walk around. 

So it was eleven at night and the boys were all sprawled across my hospital room, on a chair or on the floor, Niall wouldn’t shut up. I was trying to sleep but he kept talking and talking. Harry was lying on the bed with me; I was tucked into his side carefully.

“So what if like penguins actually had knees, would they be taller? Would they waddle?” Niall asked

“If you ask another question Niall, I am going to hurt you, go to sleep,” Mairead mumbled, she was lying next to him on the floor.

“Fine,” He stretched out the word and sighed as he rolled onto his side.

“Get some sleep princess,” Harry kissed my forehead.

“You to my cheeky brit,” I sighed quietly.

Sleep didn’t come easily, I kept replaying the night in the club, and I kept hearing the gun shot and waking myself up by jumping. I woke again but not by the dream but by a knock on the door. Liam was awake and he walked quietly over to the door and opened it. A nurse in her late twenties popped her head in.

“I have breakfast for a Blaze Amador,” She said quietly. Liam looked around the room and I held up my hand and Liam knew I was awake.

“Thank you,” Liam took the tray and placed it on a wheelie hospital table.

I sat up slowly pushing Harry’s arm off my waist, he groaned in protest but then rolled over and probably was trying to go back to sleep. I looked down at the tray and groaned; I hated hospital food. There was two pieces of toast with a tiny cup of apple juice with what looked like fruit salad but I wasn’t really sure by the way it looked.

“How did you sleep?” Liam asked “You jumped a few times in your sleep and made some sounds,”

“Just a bad dream that’s all, I’ll be fine as soon as I get out of this place,” I drank the apple juice that tasted weird.

“Instead of pulling those faces, would you like me to take you down to the cafeteria to get you real food?” Liam asked and I nodded.

“I head food,” A little voice said from across the room, I looked and saw it was Calista that had spoken.

“We’re going down to the cafeteria to get your sister some real food, do you wanna come?” Liam asked, Calista nodded and pulled on her jumper and shoes.

“I need the wheelchair,” I pointed to the wheelchair that Louis was currently sleeping in. Calista laughed and poked Louis.

“No,” he mumbled.

“Fine,” Calista laughed and got up from her chair and got behind the wheelchair only to tip Louis out of the wheelchair onto the floor next to Niall.

“I hate you,” Louis growled and Calista just smirked.

“Where going to get breakfast wanna come?” Liam asked, Louis nodded and put his shoes on while Calista helped me slowly into the wheelchair.

The nurses didn’t look up when I was wheeled passed, they were all in their late 40’s and the boys were making so much noise last night I guess that they has lost all respect for them. Which I was fine with; I didn’t want any fan girls around.

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