Chapter Nineteen - Seeing the ex

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“Is that really you Jason?” I asked brushing my hair out of my face; it had suddenly become really hot in the club.

“In the flesh, what are you doing here I thought this wasn’t your scene?” Jason asked and I knew what he was doing, he was making me feel small, he knew I was out of my comfort zone and he knew what alcohol did to me.

“This is my scene now, the whole pop star thing is starting to be my scene now,” I crossed my arms over my chest. I stood my ground but my head was still fuzzy.

“Oh sweetheart, I didn’t mean to offend you, I haven’t seen you in so long,” I got a shiver up my back and my heart began to race as the memories of us came flooding back, our secret nights, our old friends, my old life with him.

“I’d rather you not call me that name, you kinda lost all rights to call me that a long time ago,” I took a step back wanting nothing more than to run back into Harry’s arms and get him to take me home.

“Oh come on, I know you, you don’t let someone like me go that easily, I still think I love you Blaze,” His words were true and I suddenly began to realise he was way too close to me.

“You think you still love me, well for a matter of fact Jason I got over you a long time ago, you were my high school sweetheart and you chose some ditsy little dancer with the perfect body over the girl you grew up with and loved, you dropped me the minute you saw the chance to, you may have cared about me at the start but you got bored and I saw that, I saw the way you looked at Scarlett,” I spat the words out, I needed this, I needed to tell him how I felt because I knew I would never get a chance to do this ever again.

“I never wanted her, she came on to me, I swear I never would of done stuff with her if I knew that you still wanted the relationship, I though you didn’t want me anymore,” I looked into his eyes as his words sunk in.

“You kissed Scarlett while we were still dating?” I asked I felt disgusted and sad and lonely and confused all at the same time.

“I did more than kiss her sweetheart but I’m sorry and every day I was still with you I felt more and more guilty, but I still love you Blaze, your my fire girl, remember all out secret nights, us alone with nothing but the stars to hear us whisper,” Jason’s voice was like a lullaby, but he had cheated on me.

I took a step back and wiped a tear that ran down my face, I wanted someone to save me from this nightmare.

 I couldn’t be near him anymore, because the alcohol was making me want to kiss him, to love him, to get all those memories back, because even though I loved Harry I had loved Jason for years and I couldn’t just let it go like letting sand slip through my fingers.

“Please don’t do this Jason, you know I can’t let you go that easy but I’m trying and right now you’re making it so hard, you have to let go of me, go find a girl who will love you, a girl who will put up with your crazy and amazing family,” I wiped the tears now running down my face, I felt like a blubbering mess.

“I can’t see my life without you, I moved to London to get away from you and try to move on but then I saw you, maybe it was fate telling us to be together, telling you to give me a second chance,” I saw now that Jason was pleading, I really to get away because he starting to scare me.

“Jason I have to go, please, maybe we can meet up for coffee as friends, start off new, please I have to go,” I said a little too quickly, I was about to turn away when he gripped my upper arm, his grip with iron tight and hurt so much.

“You are not leaving me, not again, I just found you,” He sounded deranged, his grip got tighter and I whimpered in pain. He started to dig his nails into my arm, I heard yelling and I turned around to see Calista and Harry walking over to me.

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