Quick recording

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An introduction

*Sounds of radio crackling are heard, the buzzing of the radio disappears when a nerdy feminine voice appeared*

Hello? Is this on? Oh! I'm recording! Finally! Okay, ahem, where to start? Hello, my name is Dr. Sophia Brikerton, scientist at Primetech institute of biology. I have a P.h.D at bioengineering, and I got this p.h.d on the same place I work at. Yes, you heard me right. What? O-Okay. It seems my associate is impatient with me, introducing myself. What? Alright, fine! I'll make it quick, jeez. Yeah you better apologise! Aww, it's okay, I'm sorry too. What's that? Oh! My recording, yes!

The reason I made this recording is that so people that search my corpse or happen to found it may listen to it. We have been researching a...subject that has been infected with this...virus. We named it "the zeta virus" kind of cliché for a name, but whatever. You may have heard it on the news about a strange virus in Asia that is nothing to be worry about, but it's wrong, they're wrong. This virus is highly contagious and very lethal! If you have seen zombie movies like what I have...and what my colleague have, is that by the end of the day, the world goes into the toilet.

There has no evidence of airborne transmission so there's nothing to worry about, it's only transmitted to bites or fluid contact. Like putting an open wound in sewage, it's gross and lethal!

You may know this now, but incase one of you, or just you is a... "Person with no experience", the best way to not get infected is to stay indoors and avoid contact with others. No matter if they're not infected or they are, don't let them in. You may never know. Gather your food and drinks so that you may not go out for a food run. Better safe than sorry. It's also best to surround yourself with people that you trust or just other survivors, there's strength in numbers. What's that? Oh yeah! It's also best to arm yourself as well! Grab a weapon like a baseball bat, a hammer, a knife, grab a gun as well! Make sure you have the ammo for it though! Conserve it if you're gonna use it!

If you trust the government to take control and assess the situation. Don't bother, there's already an outbreak in Japan and China! They only care about themselves!

You also may have heard of the shelters, or the safe havens, don't bother also, they're deathtraps! They only have one exit and once it gets overrun, all will die! Okay, okay, I'm calming down, sorry about that. It may be supplied with food and commodities, plus the soldiers as well! But what if they pull out?

The only organisation you can trust is Zcom. They used to be a division, in the army, that later become a mercenary group. but they changed and now they help the people. They are a zombie organisation that gives tremendous help to the countries that need it. In China and Japan, they have set up quarantine zones to make sure people don't get infected any further. They're also evacuating people and arming the populace, deputising them with weapons.

But their numbers are being spread too thin due to the globe having a massive viral outbreak, it's only minor but if that escalates, then we're doomed.

There is also the matter of the legion, an organisation of mafia groups worldwide that combined into one. Though this may be ironic, but they actually help poor people and their families. They're the reason why the homeless ain't homeless, probably because they get drafted into a legionnaire. Not to worry, they only target the rich and greedy, and also the corrupted. As long as you don't betray their trust, you'll be fine. Despite being good samaritans, they're still the mafia. Which means you get punished for lying.

I urge you to seek out my companions, they have....extraordinary abilities that can be an advantage to your survival.

The first is Ray Gonzales, he is the founder of Zcom, but now he and his men are currently on leave. He is classified as special forces and he's the commander of his unit. He used to be a part of the Philippine scout rangers, they classify in anti-guerrilla warfare and they're trained with exceptional survival techniques. Right now, he is probably a doctor or a vigilante, but he's pretty easy to find. He lives in Nightfall, colorado with his brother. He's a little reckless but he's nice. Yes, he is also handsome, stop interrupting me!

Second is Ivan Gonzales, he is Ray's brother whom I talked about. He is a fireman that lives with his brother. But, he used to be a part of spetznas, the force to be reckoned with in Russia. He too lives in Nightfall, colorado. You may find his comedic attitude annoying, but when you get to know him, he's a pretty decent guy.

Third is my brother, Michael Brikerton, right now, he is on "vacation" from our homeland. The UK. He is a special force operative, Special Air Services or SAS to be exact. He is very protective, that may be an advantage. He currently resides in Nightfall. Actually, I'm just gonna go on a limp here and say that all of them live in nightfall. So if you live there or somewhere near there, congrats, you live!

Fourth is Lucio Slochbafer, has an ancestry of professional germanic builders. He too is a special force operative, he is part of the German Special operations command, or, ahem, Kommando Spezialkräfte. He is an engineer. He is reckless though, so keep some distance. Also stay out of his way when he's doing "his job".

Fifth is Ohio "Brian" Orlens, you may recognise him as the police chief of nightfall. He and his brother are both special forces operatives. But they work separately. Brian is classified as a US Navy SEALs operative. Which makes him the toughest son of a gun in my book. No, I don't swear, you got a problem? Why don't you swear? Sweet jesus! Okay, I'm still not gonna swear though. It's in my pacifistic nature! Twat...

Ahem, Sixth is Boston "Chuck" Orlens, he is Brian's brother. If you may have noticed now, they were named after states, no idea why. He is a special agent detective guy that is also an operative, like I said. He is a Green beret, a soldier specialising in stealth and survival. Yes, I'm having trouble specialising his profession, I could've just said detective? Okay.

Seventh is Johnson "Romano" Tyrstein, son of the well renowned pilot, Jonathan "Roman" Tyrstein. He currently is unemployed but he is classified as an... Ye-yea? What is it? R-Really?! He did!? Well what are we waiting for?!

*The tape ends*

Ray: Sweet Jesus...

??????: Ray, what's that?

Ray: Uhm, nothing, why are you here?

??????: We have visitors.

Ray: Alright, I'm coming.

??????: *giggles*

Ray: Why are you laughing, Pepper?

Pepper: Oh! N-Nothing...

Ray: Right...

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