Home at last!

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Chapter 4:

After the whole fiasco at the base, I took Carol and Mass and drive home. We saw what...the apocalypse did, people looting stores, screams of people, the loud moaning of the dead, burning cars, everywhere was chaos. Mass hasn't woken up yet.

Carol: Mass, wake up, please...

Carol has fear and worry in her voice

Ray: He's concussed, he's gonna wake up soon. Just leave him there.

Carol: Ray, I... Thank you, this means a lot to me. He was the only family I have in this state. I can't bear to lose him.

Ray: You're welcome, Carol, I would worry about my brother too if he was knocked out. Then again, he's probably hitting the bottle again.

Carol chuckles at my joke

Carol: Do you love m- your brother?

I could've swear she almost said "me" but I decided not to push it any further

Ray: Of course I do, may I tell you a story?

Carol: Um, sure you can.

Ray: When me and Ivan were kids, my dad was called on by his country to fight, he was retired.

Carol: Why did he got called again?

Ray: This war has gotten so severe that they have to call in veterans that are retired. So, my father agreed, he said his goodbyes and he never looked back.

Carol: Is he okay though?

Ray: About 4 years, the war has ended, he didn't return.

Carol: Oh gosh, I'm sorry. I'm sure your father was a wonderful man.

Ray: Sure is, our bitch of a mother keep abusing us, neglecting us, straight up ignoring us as well. But our father didn't, he loved us like no other. Thought us things we will use when we get older. He was the reason me and my brother passed the academy with ease. He's my inspiration....

Carol: Your mother ignored you? I'm very sorry, you have a very good father.

Ray: Yeah... The time where we got news he wouldn't return, our mom went ballistic, then she blamed it on us. She then threw us out and our uncle picked us up. He's decent, not like our father but he was nice. When we got older, we graduated and... Enlist in the military. In honour of our father. We did our service then we started traveling, then we thought of going back to our gene's origins. But we were separated at the time. Ivan was in Russia, while I was in the Philippines. We then stayed there for about 5 years or so, joined up the special forces there, retired, then went back here!

Carol: Hmph, you have a cooler life than we have. We were born and raised in a farming family, our father was a dedicated farmer and...thought us things as well. When we were in school, I was bullied for being a farmer's daughter.

Ray: Pshh, what a bunch of jerks.

Carol: But, my brother stood up for me and...

Ray: Beat em up?

Carol: Hell yeah, then we got suspended. Our mom yelled at us but our dad was proud of us for standing up for ourselves.

Ray: You've got a wise dad.

Carol blushes

Carol: Thanks, anyways. When we got older, we only graduated high school, we didn't have enough money for college, and we didn't have the skills for the other jobs. So we enlisted in the military! It was...gruelling at first, but now look at us!

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