They're alive?

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Police response:

Days after we left that station, I called every units to go home, be safe, stay with their families. But only two stayed behind. Two loyal police officers decided to stay, I thought it was just me and my brother, Chuck. They said they don't have nowhere to go, and their places have been overrun. So, we decided to take them in, as companions. We need to take care of them, my brother was reluctant. But eventually, he agreed. The two officers are Pepper and Maurice, one is a traffic officer though. The day that she was about to get promoted, this outbreak started. Ruined the best day of her life, getting harassed by her co-workers, abused by civvies, she atleast deserves... No, that doesn't matter now, all that matters is that we're alive. Me and my brother rushed to our house and grabbed our best gear. The gear when we were still operatives. Us operatives are needed in a world were people couldn't fight for shit. People that needed protection. We couldn't even see our cousins again, Ray, Ivan, please god let them be okay. We hole up in a store, it was rough but we managed to sleep, Pepper was claustrophobic so she didn't get much. We woke up sore.

Chuck: Morning, brother, slept well?

Brian: What do you think?

Chuck: Not well, fucking apocalypse man. Hey guys! You alright?

Maurice: Fine, Pepper didn't get much sleep.

Pepper: No, no, I'm fine.

Her eye bags are very noticeable and her eyes are bloodshot. Our satchel was still at the plantation, the plantation that Ivan bought. Ray said it was a waste of money, though it'll be a good safe haven for now. Our goal is to make it there, whether zombie filled or not, it doesn't matter. Our supplies are stale, we feed of on what we can chew, seems the stores were now looted. Bandits, man. After we ate our...halved food.

Brian: Alright, everyone, let's move out. We could probably make it before the horde.

Chuck: Brother...don't take this the wrong way, are you sure the plantation is still standing?

Brian: Our gears are still there, for fuck sakes!

Chuck: And we'll risk our lives! I don't know if our cousins make it there, but what I do know, is that they're gone. Gone as in-

Suddenly his radio cracks to life, a familiar, enthusiastic, childish voice came through.

Ray: Good morning apocalypse! This is DJ Ray from...PT radio! I'm sorry folks, I just made that in my head very quickly!

Brian: Ray?

Chuck: Oh way!

Brian: Quick! Respond!

Chuck: Ray? This is Chuck, come in!

Ray: A quick disclaimer! I can't really talk to you, my thing that takes calls is busted. Oh wait, nevermind, it's not broken, I should really be taking calls but I'm too lazy to do so!

Brian: Goddamn it, man

Chuck: That's our Ray!

Chuck let out a joyful laugh as the two officers were dead confused.

Ray: And no, PT doesn't stand for, physical training. This place is not a boot camp, though if it was, then we would be armed to the teeth. Speaking of which! I'm the same Ray who made the zombie fighting organisation, Zcom. In which are scattered and separated and clearly destroyed. So sad. But! Me and my team are still alive and still kicking! Kicking zombies' ass since 1932. It may not make sense, but it's a clear reference. Don't worry, listeners! I have a deal just for you. I didn't activate this radio station just to make a Vietnam joke, no no, I activated it just to save your ass! Our location is due north, 10 miles outside nightfall. Due west, 5 miles outside Silverthorne, or what's left of it. And due south, 15 miles outside temperance. I may just blatantly said the location of our safe haven for bandits as well! If you're a bandit or just a plain old douchebag, we're not afraid to put you on your ass and-...Nevermind, anyways, if you see a trail, a suspicious trail just inside the woods of that said location. Congrats! That's the location right there! We shall welcome you with open arms and you shall join our dysfunctional family! Yes! I said dysfunctional! And when I said join, I meant, join out of your own free will, we're not a cult. We have food, shelter, a good source of supplies, electricity, hospitable people, medicine, we also have people specialising in that, and soldiers as well! We're all basically decked out in the plantation! I shall leave you here for now, we will prepare the welcoming party though. As always, tune in next time for further announcement! Now for some music! Hit it, operator!

Suddenly it stops and outcomes smooth jazz. For the first time, I let out a smile and cried tears of joy. Dear lord! Thank you! They're alive!

Chuck: They made it! Oh my god!

Brian: Wait, can you call back? Again? See if he's not lethargic anymore.

Chuck: I'll try, hello? Ray? It's us, Chuck and Brian. Respond.

Nothing, our expression quickly changed as the music continues. I started to freak out until another enthusiastic voice came in, this time it's Russian.

Ivan: Turn the music off, Hello? Chuck? Brian? Are you there?

Chuck: Ivan?! It's me! Chuck!

Ivan: Oh my god! Chuck! Is Brian there?!

Brian: Ten four.

Ivan: Hahahahahaa! Yes! It worked! Where the hell are you?! We can help!

Chuck: We're still at nightfall, right now we're in a convenience store.

Ivan: How many?!

I glanced to the two stunned officers.

Brian: We got four, two of us and some two other officers.

Ivan: Oh god! I can't believe it! You're alive! I wish I could call Ray, but he's busy at the moment...

Chuck: What is he doing?

Ivan: Classified, cousin, Classified...

Brian: Is he-

Ivan: Told you, man's business, not mine. Send your coordinates and we'll send an extraction team there.

Chuck: How do I send coordinates?

Ivan: In radio, there is morse code option. Actually, I think Brian should do the morse code, you're too...inexperienced for morse code.

Chuck: Hey!

Ivan: Nevermind, Michael traced your location. I see you, at Thelma's convenience store.

Chuck: Michael is there as well?!

Ivan: The rest of the Zcom operatives as well.

Maurice: Zcom?

Pepper: They're still alive?

Brian: Oh shit, man! When will you get here?

Ivan: Well, if I could make it pass the horde, about 10 minutes. Until then, survive! I'll report in from time to time! Stay there and don't go anywhere! Ivan out!

*Radio clicks off*

Me and Chuck were overjoyed by the news, our cousins, alive and in the plantation. We hugged eachother and jumped like rabbits. Our companions were confused but also happy by the thought of getting rescued.

Maurice: This plantation thing turns out to be true?

Pepper: Ray? That's kind of a familiar name?

Maurice: I think that was the guy that flirted with you.

She blushed, I hate to say the fact that he might be already taken. Atleast my brother said it for me!

Pepper: Yeah, he left because... I almost got a boyfriend!

Chuck: Peps, I hate to break it to you...but I think he's taken.

Her expression changes

Pepper: W-What?

Chuck: Yeah, his brother mentioned him....having "business".

Brian: Well, it could be something else...I mean, he's not an easy lay.

Chuck: Oof, yeesshh. Sorry, Peps, plenty of fish in the sea!

Pepper's expression changed to confusion, to disappointment.

Brian: Not cool, Chuck.

Chuck: Ehh...atleast I avoided a future love triangle?

Brian: Not cool...

Chuck: ...I'm sorry...

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