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Chapter 6

Outside, I'm out scouting the area with Carol, we saw about the traumatic things that'll scare an adult. We didn't care. I don't want to ask her about... What she did, but since it's quiet, might as well do it?

Ray: Hey, Carol?

Carol: Yes?

Ray: Now, be honest with me, did you do anything serious to me last night?

Carol: I just licked your hand, that's it.

I gagged

Ray: I feel like there's more to that, sure that is disgusting. But I saw a discoloured stain on your...pants...

Carol: I don't know what you're talking about.

Ray: Carol...

Carol: Alright, fine, I just couldn't wait you know? So I just...took your hand and-

Ray: Carol! What the fuck!

Carol: Look, I'm sorry alright! You always keep me waiting!

Ray: Miss, we're in a goddamn apocalypse. Every corner is a fucking zombie

Then suddenly a zombie came out of a corner, I quickdraw my gun and shoot it calmly. I then continued the conversation.

Ray: See, like that, look, when we get to the plantation, let's do it, alright? We get there, when we get there!

Carol: "We get there", I felt that's just a lie now.

Ray: Are you this impatient?

Carol: Yes! Come here!

Carol attempts to lunge at me but I...caught her and gently hold her back by her shoulders

Ray: Wow, you really take things fast, do ya?

Carol: Just shut up and let me!

With her voice being loud, I can't risk her attracting unwanted I...kissed her to make her feel better... She can't wait, does she?

Ray: You satisfied now?

Carol: Well, a little bit, yeah...

Ray: Good, I promise I'll fucking do you in the plantation, okay?

Carol: You could've just said fuck, but eh! Alright, I'll wait for it. This time, this time for sure! Now where we going?

Ray: Well, since this place is dead, might as well go visit lester.

Carol: Who's lester?

Ray: My hunting buddy. He left me in the woods and ended up searching for me for a month, I was stuck in the forest for a month or two, I don't know, kind of hard remembering when you have brain damage. When we stumbled upon eachother, we realised that we've...been wandering around in a circle following our tracks...

Carol: Wait wait wait, he left you in the woods and searched for you for about a month? Then you guys realised that you've been following eachother's tracks in a circle?

Ray: We're both idiots.

Carol: But you're my idiot~


Ray: I think he still has his lights on. Yep, there it is, come on.

At lester's house, it seems he's been pretty busy, dead bodies litter the ground, traps that's been activated. Blood on the walls of his house, he's been hit pretty hard.

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