A way out

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Jailers response:

My name is Daniel, Daniel Norton. I'm the former warden of Nightfall correctional facility. The place has been hit hard, prisoner turned zombie attack and killed my colleagues. The police has pulled out and the national guard has been overwhelmed at this particular area. I took four of my co-workers, co-workers that are left, Boris, Willy, Tucker, and Madie. I used a drainage pipe used by former prisoners to escape in this establishment. Ironic. We almost barely escaped with our lives, the moment we saw the national guard, we thought we were gonna be safe. Turns out we were wrong, I stopped them the moment I saw the soldiers gun down a defenceless family. They weren't even bit! At that point, we only care about our selves, the military just kills everyone now, if this is martial law, I'm afraid to know what will be next. We heard about the shelters, but since we saw...that, we were reluctant to join in...probably leave the civvies once they're overrun. I lead my group out into the forest, where we saw a cabin. We took shelter in it and for some odd reason, has the size of a modern home. Decked out with supplies and weapons as well. We thought we will be safe here for the time being. The key word being "thought". Bandits came, demanded our stuff. Because we're suffering ourselves, and the fact that these guys would just kill us when we give them the stuff, I devised a plan. The rest of my team will leave, supplies in hand, I come out, distraction, then ambush them. It worked, though one of them did gave me a good thwack in the head. Knocked me out for about two days. When I woke up, I expected to be just left in a ditch, but I saw my companions looking over me, especially Madie, who gave me a weird look when I woke up. It turns out, Willy carried me while I was unconscious and we saw this house, probably a rich person's house. Its windows and doors were shut with metal blinds, Tucker destroyed them and we settled ourselves in. The place was deserted however, well, it's still furnished, but the food and supplies were gone. There's this also a weird room just below the stairs, turns out it was a doomsday bunker of sorts. It was empty as well. Tomorrow, or today, our supplies were dwindling and morale is down, well, should I say it was. The radio Tucker has clicked on...

Dan: Oh, fuck my head...what the hell?

Madie: Dan! You're alive!

She gave me a hug

Dan: Madie? Ow...what happened?

Madie: You...you were knocked out by those bandits back at the cabin. You made me so worried! You've been out for two days!

Dan: Two day-...has it really been that long?!

Madie: We don't know what we would do without you. You did a lot for us, back in the prison, and the cabin. We're grateful for what you did and we'll be headless chickens if you're...well, I'm just really glad you're alive!

Dan: Where's the others?

Madie: Yes! Yes! Come with me.

She grabbed my hand and we walked down, Boris was standing guard and Willy and Tucker seem to be checking inventory.

Madie: Guys! He woke up!

Tucker: Dan! You bastard! You gave us a scare!

Willy: You saved us, Dan.

Boris: How is nap?

Dan: Where the hell are we?

Tucker: Seems to be a rich guy's house. I...destroyed the door just to get in.

Willy: Perhaps he still care for his house.

Boris: Hmm, actually, I saw this picture of this man. Turns out they're brothers. I picked up family picture. Judging by this place, it seems they left.

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