The museum of jokes

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Chapter 19:

After an altercation with a hunt, Bill continued driving to the museum of jokes. Carol wrapped her arms around me, tight. Jude looks out the window, contemplating it seems. Pepper is napping in Glenn's shoulder, in which he blushes. Kinda cute. After another full two minutes of driving, we reached the museum of jokes. Its entrance was heavily fortified, with furniture and construction materials. It has turrets stationed at the balconies, in which they quickly aimed at us. We were about to take cover, until a man in an steel suit came out. When he spoke, he has a sultry German accent.

?????: Halt! Shtop right zere! Who are you?!

Ray: Lucio! It's us! It's me! Ray!

Lucio: Ray? *Glances around every direction* Get in! Quickly!

Bill: Wait, we're just gonna leave the bus?

Lucio: No time! Vite eyes vill be here!

As Lucio ordered us to go inside, Glenn woke up Pepper and told her to get inside as well. We all then disembark, with Lucio providing cover if needed, Bill reluctantly leave his bus behind. All of us made it inside, with Lucio the last one to enter. His men then closed up the doors and locked it. Inside was spacious, with many of the artefact stables empty, used as barricades. Inside the museum was like a refugee camp. With the furniture replaced with ammo caches; in which they're empty, and benches for food, there is also a food station at the end of the hall. There is also a medical station at the entrance, the medic working there is very familiar. Many of Lucio's men were at the ready, with some welcoming Jude back. I counted, and Lucio's refugees are about 12, perhaps some are still at the other rooms. Suddenly, Glenn noticed a familiar face.

Glenn: Cole!?

Cole: Glenn! You're here!

Cole still wears his work hat, and his uniform. A grey shirt with black pants, he has a name tag that says his name. He has a bloodied bat.

Glenn: Oh my goodness! You're okay!

*Both brothers then embraced, with Glenn wailing in happiness*

Lucio: Zese guysh are brozers?

Ray: Yeah, his name is Glenn. Joined us to find his brother.

?????: Who are these guys, boss?

Lucio: Zey are my friends, vell, mostly Ray here. *Notices Carol* Ahhhhhh! Ray! You did it!

Carol: Do your friends wait for us to hook up or something?

Ray: Perhaps so.

Lucio: Ah! Shilly me! I forgot to introduce you to my fellows! Here is Mitch! He's one of mein vorkers at my conshtruction co!

Mitch: Sup.

Mitch has a sort of a Brooklyn accent on him, he wears his bright coloured construction vest and it seems he hasn't ditched his uniform. But Lucio padded him with scrap metal for protection, he has several nails on top of his hard hat, and he has a makeshift body armour under his bright vest. He is armed with a sledgehammer and a trench knife that's hanging off his waist.

Lucio: Zat zere is Lorelai! She is one of ze legion!

Lorelai: Ave.

Ray: Ave.

Carol: Ave?

Ray: It's...a sort of greetings for our organisation.

Carol: Never knew you have this kind of past.

Lorelai: You haven't seen nothing yet, sister.

Lorelai has a trench coat and she is armed with a spas-12. She has a kevlar vest under her coat and her hair is kept in a short ponytail; in which its covered because of her fedora hat, she has an eyebrow piercing and several tattoos that starts from her neck down to her body. It's not noticeable due to her coat. Her accent is southern like, must be from Georgia or something.

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