Time to head out

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Sheriff response:

My name is Bill, I'm a sheriff in the Nightfall countryside. I'm a well respected man and reputable as well, caught many crooks in my time. Had a deputy as well, beautiful, blonde, big...boob deputy. My time has passed for boinking so I didn't made a move. Our...life was peaceful, until we got a call, someone got hit by a car on the road. As we went there, the victim looks like he's already dead, torn muscles, almost all of his skin and tissues were missin', he has yellowish skin. That's when I thought, it was that virus. That virus that ravaged the globe. I didn't hesitate to put the poor fella out of his misery. Charlotte, and the guy didn't approve of my approach, well...not until more of his kind came. I took Charlotte, and the guy and ran. Ran as far as forrest gump. We eventually made it to our ranger station and we hole up there for about three days. And in those three days, many shit has happened. The government fell, Zcom, I.F, Legion fell as well. Society collapsed in under three days. Three days! Our station was packed with emergency supplies and weapons. Charlotte was worried about her brother and niece. Her niece worked at a prison, god let her be safe. The guy turns out to be a pizza boy, name's Glenn, Glenn McCormick. Weird name for an asian guy but I ain't no racist. In the third day, our supplies were almost gone. I then called my buddy, Joe, says he has a plan. He heard there was a plantation not far, just about 10 miles north. I didn't believe him, until a voice in the radio came on.

Charlotte: Okay, I'm starting to freak out here.

Bill: All of us are freaking out, Char. You're not the only one.

Charlotte: I have a brother and a niece to take care about! I don't know if they're safe! God knows what the hell happened to them!

Bill: Deep breaths, Char. I have family as well, I don't know if they're safe, but as far as I know, they're gone. You're a strong, dependable woman, Charlotte. We can get through this, oh and...you too, Glenn.

Glenn: Yay.

Bill: Do you understand me, Char?

She didn't say anything but continue to stare at something

Bill: Char?

Charlotte: Your radio...it's alive!

Bill: What?!

Turns out, my radio was blinking, it seems I got a message. Now who still has service in the middle of the apocalypse? Only guys that can do that are those from radio stations. And there's no one handling radio stations now, who could it be?

Bill: Hello? Who is this?

Ray: Good morning apocalypse! This is DJ Ray from...PT radio! I'm sorry folks, I just made that in my head very quickly!

An enthusiastic, childish, high pitched voice came on. All of us were shocked by this. I blatantly try to respond, but I realised that radio host can only take calls manually. This guy seems to be delivering a message.

Bill: Hello? Ray? Where the hell-

Ray: Quick disclaimer! I can't really talk to you! My thingy that makes me take calls is busted! Oh wait, nevermind! It's not busted! I should really be taking calls but I'm too lazy to do so!

Charlotte: This guy sounds dense.

Glenn: Shouldn't radio hosts be...taking calls?

Ray: And no, PT doesn't stand for, physical training. This place is not a boot camp, though if it was, then we would be armed to the teeth. Speaking of which! I'm the same Ray who made the zombie fighting organisation, Zcom. In which are scattered and separated and clearly destroyed. So sad. But! Me and my team are still alive and still kicking! Kicking zombies' ass since 1932. It may not make sense, but it's a clear reference. Don't worry, listeners! I have a deal just for you. I didn't activate this radio station just to make a Vietnam joke, no no, I activated it just to save your ass! Our location is due north, 10 miles outside nightfall. Due west, 5 miles outside Silverthorne, or what's left of it. And due south, 15 miles outside temperance. I may just blatantly said the location of our safe haven for bandits as well! If you're a bandit or just a plain old douchebag, we're not afraid to put you on your ass and-...Nevermind, anyways, if you see a trail, a suspicious trail just inside the woods of that said location. Congrats! That's the location right there! We shall welcome you with open arms and you shall join our dysfunctional family! Yes! I said dysfunctional! And when I said join, I meant, join out of your own free will, we're not a cult. We have food, shelter, a good source of supplies, electricity, hospitable people, medicine, we also have people specialising in that, and soldiers as well! We're all basically decked out in the plantation! I shall leave you here for now, we will prepare the welcoming party though. As always, tune in next time for further announcement! Now for some music! Hit it, operator!

Then the voice stopped and outcomes some smooth jazz. All of us were stunned by the fact there's people that still taking in survivors. And the fact that Zcom is still alive! Right now, we don't have transportation to...get to that plantation... Well, that's what I thought when..

Charlotte: The plantation is real?!

Glenn: People are there! Zcom as well! We're gonna be saved!

Bill: Boy, they're not rescuing, they're informing their location for us to go there. Bad idea, that can lead to bandits.

Charlotte: Who cares! He said they'll put them right on their asses!

Glenn: Great, what we're missing is transportation. And we all know what happened to our transportation..

Bill: Hmm, where's joe-

*Beep Beep*

Charlotte: Was that a bus?

I then looked outside, and it was Joe! With his buddy, Eli! I unlocked the doors and greeted them. Eli has a welding kit, you never know if a welding kit is needed in an apocalypse.

Joe: Bill! Glad we caught up! You heard that station?

Bill: Dense kid announced on radio their location. That place will be ravaged by bandits soon.

Joe: Yeah, well, we need all the help we can get. I fixed up the bus here, thinking we might pick up some survivors on the way. I brought Eli as well.

Eli: Darn tootin'

Bill: Good to meet ya.

Joe: Where's Charlotte?

Charlotte: Right here, hi.

Joe: Ma'am.

Bill: Hey, kid! Get out here!

Glenn: Yes, sir.

Joe: Great! The more the merrier. Grab your stuff and let's head out. Our shop was...invaded by those fuckers so we just took the bus and dipped. We didn't have the chance to..get some more supplies. Eli here took his welding kit.

Eli: A garage welding kit comes in handy, even in the apocalypse! Mechanics are needed you know?

Bill: Every help is needed, help me with my guns, Joe.

Joe: Right, boss.

Bill: Don't call me boss, makes me uncomfortable.

Joe: Right, right, sorry Bill.

Bill: You two! Stand guard by the bus until we got everything.

Charlotte: Finally, been getting stir crazy in that station. Think I've become claustrophobic.

Glenn: I know someone who's claustrophobic.

Charlotte: Was it that cop girl? Kid, you guys are just friends.

Glenn: I-I know that!

Eli: Kids these days, let me tell ya a thing or two about romance.

Me and Joe pack up our shit and head inside the bus, it was spacious but the some seats were drenched in blood. Gross. What's more worse is that this bus is a school bus, makes me sick just thinking about it...even children aren't safe in the apocalypse. Well! Off to the plantation! We shall pick up survivors on the way there!

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