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Taehyung's POV•

The door of whenever I was opened... I stood up like a man and waited for whatever horrible thing was to come next.

Surprisingly it wasn't as bad.

"TAEHYUNG", Seokjin yelled, as he rushed to me. He held me in a tight hug that then led to me having to spit out blood on the floor.

"H-hi", I managed to say after the hug.

I smiled a bit, but then it faded as soon as I heard Hoseok's voice.

"Tae... are you okay?", he asked me. I turned back to face him but he wasn't alone... he was there with Jungkook.

I nodded. I felt embarrassed that Jungkook had to see me in this situation not only that but he also saved me when I was planning on ruining him.

Hoseok then came up to me and gave me a hug. A hug that he wasn't forced to give me... it was the only time he has ever hugged me.

I didn't know how to react, although I knew Jungkook was there for some reason I felt the need to hug Hoseok back... and kiss him.

I did it.

Jungkook's POV•

My eyes grew as I saw Taehyung lending in to kiss Hoseok, I stepped forward to try to stop them but Seokjin halted me.

I tried to shove Seokjin away from me but I couldn't. Even though I tried to stop them, Hoseok backed away from the kiss and I felt relieved.

I saw how Seokjin's expression sadden a bit but he sighed.

"Taehyung, Hoseok... Hoseok is Jungkook's", Seokjin told Taehyung.

Taehyung just nodded but that didn't hide the way a tear drop fell from his eye.

We all stayed quiet until we heard a gunshot.

We turned back to see Taehyung's dad.

bye | hopekook sequelWhere stories live. Discover now