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Taehyung's POV•

I couldn't see anything other than darkness, I felt so cold and... lonely? Why was I lonely?

Well felt not that I actually was... or was I? If this isn't death then I don't know what death is anymore, I've felt it twice, but this one feels more accurate

Am I dead?

Well if death is this then am I just gonna see darkness forever... this is kinda boring, I expected more

I guess it'll do for now

I can move but it's just darkness for miles and miles, and there's a light there but it doesn't look fun, even though I am bored, I won't walk towards it


Seokjin's POV•

"Name?", the policemen asked.

"Do I have to include the surname Kim?", I asked, it was a pain already that I had to go through this other questionnaire when I could be at the hospital with my brother.

"I'm afraid so", the policemen said.

"Kim Seokjin", I mumbled the part "Kim", I never wanted to be associated with it after this bullshit.

"Can I go now?", I asked, even though I was scared to get charged with murder I was more scared about Taehyung.

"If we don't finish this now I'll have to bother you at the hospital, your choice", the policemen said, waiting for me to reply.

"Fine then continue", I said, annoyed.


Jungkook's POV•

"Excuse me but why are they taking a good while for Seokjin to come?", I asked the policemen who was with me watching Taehyung was laying down.

"They're doing a questionnaire, determining if he killed his step father out of self defense or on purpose", the policemen sighed.

I nodded and went out of the hospital room.

"How is he?", the guys asked me, who were in the waiting room.

"He's still not awake yet", I told them, I wish he had but it's been 2 days by now and the doctor told us he most likely wouldn't make it.

Hoseok's POV•

I didn't know what to think out of the whole situation I felt as if I had been the problem the whole time, I was scared for Seokjin, if he lost his brother it would kill him.

I didn't want anyone to through anymore pain, I wanted it all to end. I'm so scared.

I saw as Jungkook gave me a sad smile, I couldn't even look at him without feeling the guilt that I caused everyone problems. Even him, I hurt my own boyfriend, out of everyone.

"Jungkook can we talk?", I asked him, he looked confused but he nodded.

"We'll be back you guys, keep out an eye for any news about Taehyung please", Jungkook told Yoongi and Namjoon and they nodded.

Jungkook and I made our way to the hospitals garden.

"What do you think they went to discuss?", Yoongi asked Namjoon

"Are you actually interested in them for once?", he told Yoongi.

"No it's just that... well yeah, what do you expect we came to Tokyo and look what happened, we should've never leant a hand to Jimin", Yoongi went off at Namjoon

Namjoon sighed

"I didn't expect this either Yoong but Jimin has been our friend after all we wouldn't have been this successful without him... stop being so damn selfish for once", Namjoon told Yoongi seriously.

"Selfish? You think I'm fucking selfish huh? You think you married a selfish bitch? Namjoon I'm scared, I was scared about what shit was going to happen there, do you think I wasn't thinking about you? I didn't want any shit to happen to you, is that too damn selfish of me?", Yoongi yelled at Namjoon.

"This is a hospital please lower your voice", Namjoon told Yoongi

"Bullshit", Yoongi said


"So what did you want to talk about Hobi?", Jungkook asked Hoseok.

"I don't think this is a time where we should be dating...", Hoseok replied, no tone in his voice.

"Hoseok do you still feel guilty because if you are I totally forgi-", Jungkook was cut off by Hoseok.

"If Taehyung dies I don't believe I could ever forgive myself Jungkook", Hoseok told Jungkook, facing him.

"If this is about feeling bad about Taehyung, you knew I wasn't gonna leave you easily Jung", Jungkook felt his words spilling out quickly, he didn't want to loose Hoseok once again.

"Jungkook it's not that... I feel bad for Seokjin", Hoseok said.

"Seokjin?", Jungkook asked, confused.

"Seokjin had to endure torture for many years from his stepdad, he lost his own mother to Haeyoung... and now imagine him loosing Taehyung. The doctor even said he had no chance of living Jungkook", Hoseok looked into Jungkook eyes.

"Jungkook I love you and all but I wanna die... I wanna die", Hoseok said his voice feeling weak at the word "die".

Jungkook didn't know what to say, he started crying.

"Hoseok I can't loose you again please... if you need a break I'll give it to you but please don't leave me", Jungkook tried to hug Hoseok but Hoseok brushed him off.

"Jungkook... I love you", Hoseok said, grabbing ahold of Jungkook's hand, "and we'll be together one day I promise but I just need time", he told Jungkook, smiling.

"You have the most beautiful smile, you know that", Jungkook replied; holding Hoseok's hand tightly.

bye | hopekook sequelWhere stories live. Discover now