The Experiment

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-Dawn's POV-

     Far away, on the planet of Kamino, Dawn was fighting a Jedi.  But we should probably back up.

     CT-D6-53, or Dawn for short, was about 25 years old, though clones grew twice as fast as other species so she was technically only 12.  She was tall and lean with copper skin and golden-blond shoulder length hair, which was choppy at the edges like she'd cut it herself.  She wore black pants, combat boots, and a simple maroon  tunic tied with a black cord at the waist.

     Dawn had that mischievous look in her eye that along, with her hair and clothes, made it impossible to tell if she was going to tell a joke or punch you in the face.  And yes, she was a clone.

     The Jedi Dawn was fighting was Padawan Ahsoka Tano.  Technically, Ahsoka was around 10 years younger than Dawn, but Ahsoka was also a Jedi Padawan, so they were good friends.

     Jedi Master Shaak Ti watched them spar with mild amusement and interest.  They had been going for nearly an hour, Ashoka with her lightsabers and Dawn with one of Shaak Ti's.  Dawn had been trained by Shaak Ti herself in all kinds of military movement with all types of weapons, including lightsabers.  Ahsoka and Dawn hardly ever beat each other.

     "All right, that's enough," said Master Shaak Ti gently, summoning her lightsaber back to her hand.  "Dawn, it's time for you to get introduced.  The test is only in a few days, and we cannot delay any longer!"

     "Hey, Master Electro," Dawn said playfully, "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were trying to get rid of me!"  She and Ahsoka laughed, Shaak Ti managing a faint smile.

     Dawn had been trained with the clones until she was 10, so for 5 years.  For the past 7 years, she was kept a secret by the Kamorians for reasons she had no idea about.  She had never been one to sit quietly, however, so she knew the whole fortress the the back of her hand.  She cheered every unit on as they took their practice test and knew every candidates skills and weaknesses.  

     After she was finally brought out of hiding, she had with the Jedi for a year and a half, mostly with General Shaak Ti, who she had originally thought was Shock Ti after an electric pulse, but also with Padawan Ahsoka Tano, who had popped in and out to teach her stuff about the war, clones, and even Jedi matters.  Those were her favorites.

     As a result, Dawn was strong, smart, and nimble.  She performed acrobatics like jumping off walls and dodging lasers as easily as she could shoot a blaster.  Her only disadvantage was she was sometimes brash and slightly ADHD.  (If that's a thing in Star Wars.)

     The Jedi also taught her to be in touch with herself and her surroundings.  She couldn't use or sense the force, and joked she didn't have the patience to be a Jedi, but she was superior to the average trooper.  She was, after all, the first of her kind.

     Dawn took a deep breath.  "Wish me luck," she called over her shoulder, flashing one last smile as she jogged out of the room.

     "You won't need it!" called Ahsoka back.  She cast a worried glance at Master Shaak Ti.  "She won't need it, will she?"  Master Shaak Ti smiled.

     "No, Padawan," she said softly.  "But as for the clones, I wish them luck with her."

     Ok, first chapter!  What do you think?  I hope it's good.  This is like a mostly humour book but it hopefully is ok to read as a story.  Don't forget to like and comment!

May the force be with you,

Jedi Master Swift

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