Dawn Goes Commando (Part 2)

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-Rider's POV-

     We backed up against the hill as the clankers streamed out of the doors.  More than 200, to my estimate, over triple the number of clones.  And as Rider had guessed, almost half split off and went for the Prism Squad, huddled in the corner.

     "This is YOUR FAULT!" Rider hissed.  "Now we're going to get stunned again for the second time in two days!"

     I know what you're thinking.  A troop scared of guns?  Well, in the real war we wouldn't be, but now, in training, we just don't want to go out like Winch.

     Rider used to be less of an arrogant blowhard when Winch was around.  They were closer than any other troopers.  Winch was the way of calming Rider down, of beating him in challenges and helping him stay focused.

    There was a hard exterior that he held around him, but thinking of Winch it cracked a little.  Rider never said anything, but Dawn, who was well versed in reading body language, saw through that shell for a moment.

     Dawn stood up; "Look, I know what happened." she said fiercely.  "And I don't pretend to know him as well as you do, but I've lost people too.  He was... a great friend that I wish I had known."

     A playful smile twisted it's way back onto her face.  "Don't worry boys," she said, all trace of sadness gone.  "I'll protect you."  *Literally everybody rolls their eyes*

     The charged around the hill to meet the droids, who were closing in.     They formed a half circle with their backs to the hill, pumping triggers as they shot down droids one by one.  Dawn even had the brashness to look bored, her attention wandering.


     Once all the droids were destroyed, the cadets turned from their positions to salute to the clone on the balcony.  

     "Well done," said Commander Melanoff.  He adjusted his armor and cleared his throat very distinguishdly (Which is probably not a word but whatever).  "As an added challenge for today, we will be commencing part two.  To better yourselves and to help us assume a more accurate assessment of your skills, you will fight each other until one troop is left standing."

     Rider distinctly saw Oak wince.  He knew Oak hated shooting his friends, despite his obvious glee of shooting droids.  

     Dawn, however, was smiling so hard it made Rider's jaw hurt for her.  She drew her blasters and tensed in position waiting for the BLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAG that announced the fight to begin.

'BLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAG!'  (IDK why that noise it just grew on me)

     With a shout, Dawn leaped forward.  Rider expected her to be shot, rolling his eyes at her overconfidence.

     But she didn't crumple to the ground.  At least 10 bullets shot at her and she bounced and flipped through them all, landing in a kneeling position.

     While the Prism squad stood there, dumbfounded, Dawn charged the whole regiment on her own.  Every shot she took from either hand knocked out a trooper, and even with everyone focused on her, all the bullets seemed to go astray.

     Her bright pink hair whipped behind her and the way troopers fell around her made it hard to believe a second ago he had been feeling sorry for her.  The way her feet barely touched the ground, how she was always in motion and seemed to anticipate shots almost reminded him of...

    No, he thought, impossible.  But... What if she's a Jedi?    

     He entertained the notion for a moment.  She certainly cut a reckless figure, some of the stories told about General Skywalker certainly seemed in line with that.  But the only Jedi he'd actually ever seen was General Shaak Ti, and he could hardly imagine Dawn sitting still or being as calm.

     He was jolted out of his thoughts as Dawn landed on top of the hill next to him.

     "Thanks for the help," she said, smiling.  Her mocking tone was so thick Rider wanted to say 'Geez, cut it with the sarcasm girl!'  Buuuut, he was pretty sure that was going to get him shot in the face.  So there was that.

     "You seem to have handled it pretty well yourself," replied Blast, his voice dry.  Dawn shrugged.

     "Yeah," she said.  "Which reminds me..."  She turned and like a bolt of lightning shot a the balcony, her blast scorching a hole right between the hands of the Commander.

     He stumbled back, shocked.  "And you tonton sniffing son of a hutt!  I have half a mind to sic all those droidson you right now!  You could have gotten my squad trampled!"  She turned to them.  "Come on," she said, sashaying (YES SASHAYING DON'T JUDGE IT'S A PERFECTLY GOOD MODE OF TRANSPORTATION OK) out of the room.  Bright shrugged and followed her.

     The walked down the hallway towards their bunks, where they would change before a light lunch.

     "So, the final test tomorrow," said Bright, trying to be conversational.  "Excited?  Nervous?"  Dawn shrugged non-commentably.  

     Finally Rider worked up the nerve.  "So, Dawn..." he said.  He decided to try being direct.  "Are you a Jedi?"

     Dawn stopped short, Oak almost running into her.  She turned at Rider, raising her eyebrow.  Welp, there goes my face.  Rider thought.  Great job, me.

     Then unexpectedly, Dawn burst out laughing.  She chortled so hard she was bent in half.  "Look at me!" she said.  "Do I look like I have the patience for that?"

     Then she quieted.  "I'm not a Jedi," she said, fiddling with her ponytail  "I'm just a trooper, like you."  She flipped her hair back over her shoulder.  "Maybe a little better."

     The squad didn't even flinch.  They were pretty much used to it already.

    "Well, byyyye!" Dawn called, scanning her hand on the door.  Rider got a glimpse of rainbow-splattered walls and spray cans before the door shut behind her.

     "You know," said Blast as they walked down the hall toward their bunks.  "The same question was on my mind.  She seemed the same way to me."

     But Rider shook his head.  "I don't think so anymore," he said, shaking his head.  "She's one of a kind."

     Wow, what kind of Star Wars fan am I, publishing on May 3rd and May 5th?  Happy late May the 4th be with you!  I also put a reference to that new Netflix movie, The Willoughbys in.  If anybody is actually reading this, (LOL I hope people read my book I'm so hopeless) you should watch it!  Please don't forget to vote and comment!

May the 4th be with you,

Jedi Master Swift  

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