We Shoot All Da Things (AKA. Dawn Goes Commando Part 3)

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     OK the last couple chapters have been kinda fluffy so this one is just fighting and sarcasm and spray paint and Commander Dino (Rex)

-Dawn's POV-

     Dawn strolled down the hard floors of the Kamarian fortress, gazing out the window at the perpetually stormy weather.  After her talk with Ahsoka, she was SO ready to fight.  To much fluff for one day.  (HAHAHAHA nope more fluff next chapter.  Sorry you anti-fluff people :)

     "Well at least it's a nice day for it," she muttered.  "Not."  Still, she wasn't really worried about the weather.

     "Hey Dawn," said Bright, who was the friendliest.  The Prism Squad met her as she walked by the Mess Hall.  "Ready to go beat up some clankers?"

     "You know it," she replied with a mischievous smile.  Today she had followed protocol and put on her armor.  Her helmet was held at her side, and her hair was slightly less pink than yesterday.  She still wore her combat boots, though.  Nobody passed comment.  

     Despite her armor's weight, she was practically bouncing on her toes.  "If it means I'll finally get out and see the galaxy, I'm always in the mood for shooting them down."

     "Yeah, well, speaking of blasters..." Blast said, eyeing her belt.  She had her two blasters at her sides, but also two cans of spray paint.

     "You'll see!" said Dawn with a wink both friendly and terrifying.  They shrugged and the completed Prism Squad walked down towards the giant battle simulator where they would be tested.


     The Prism Squad lined up with ten other squads on the semi-open deck.  Dawn bounced and could barely hold still.  She felt like a little kid again, the first night she snuck out to see troopers training.  She had decoded the lock and stole away, being careful not to be seen by all but one boy.

     That boy now stood in front of her, the officer in charge of the examination.  One of the most decorated clones in the army, Commander Rex.


     Dawn was only 7 years old the first day she snuck out.  She had finally memorized the ever-changing code to her room's door, and she had snuck out right after her small dinner.  Her hair, which was pretty long back then, was tied back as she stole around corners, carefully avoiding cadets on their way to their final training or bed.

     She followed a squad to the same room she was going to take the test in and hid up on the deserted balcony where other cadets usually watched other's training.  It was deserted, so she hid in the shadows.

     When the training started, the cadets practiced shooting moving targets.  She imitated their stance and pretended to hold a gun.

     Just as she made a particularly good fake shot, someone grabbed her elbow from behind, pulling her backwards.  She stumbled and her legs were kicked out from under her.  A cadet stood above her, his hands raised in defense.

     "Who are you?" asked Dawn, squinting at him.  (Looking back, probably not the best question, he was obviously a clone cadet)

     "Who are YOU?" asked the cadet.  "An intruder?  What species?  What are you doing here?  I thought no one knew about us!"

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