Introducing: Sky Guy!

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     You know him as the good turned evil turned good again Jedi-Sith whos hair looks really terrible in the first part of Season 7 of the clone wars...  (I'm sorry it just looks like a afro gaah)  Introducing: Sky Guy!

-Dawn's POV-

     After their last night in the fortress, a republic ship came to pick the Prism Squad, the other squads in their regiment, Rex and Ahsoka.  They sat in the shuttle, which took them up to a large Republic cruiser.

     Once they were safely in the docking point, Rex took the lead.  "All right new recruits," he said.  "We normally don't trust shinnies with important battles this early, but the situation is desperate.  An important Republic base holding data and a Republic ship fleet has been taken over on the nearby planet of Ecandala, and we can spare almost no troops.  It is home to no intelligent life species, but the base can not be compromised."

     "The 501st and your regiment will be battling under Generals Skywalker and Ahsoka," - he nodded to Ahsoka- "to retake the base as soon as possible.  Once the hanger doors close, we will make the jump to hyperspace.  Everyone follow me, General Skywalker wants you in the control room."

     They followed him down multiple corridors and into a large room lit be the blue light of a holographic Ecandala.  General Skywalker himself was deep in thought, staring into the hologram, but he turned to see the troops approaching.  Dawn smiled.  He looked exactly how Ahsoka had described him.

     "Troops, this is Anakin Skywalker," said Ahsoka, making her way to the front.

     "Whoa- THE Anakin Skywalker?" whispered Dawn, acting awestruck.  Anakin smiled.

     "See, this is the way you're supposed to act around me," said Anakin to Ahsoka, who rolled her eyes.  But Dawn wasn't finished.

     "The one who ALMOST single handedly took down the acid-spitting monster of doom?  Or the one who ALMOST crashed that shuttle on the moon?  Or the one who ALMOST got trapped in a cave full of monster gas?"  (Most of those actually happened in the clone wars series)

     Anakin gave Ahsoka a look.  "I maaaay have told her a thing or two about you..." grinned Ahsoka.  Anakin rolled his eyes and found Dawn in the crowd.

     "I see they've dispatched the Republic's new sarcastic experiment of fiery doom," he said, raising an eyebrow.  His eyes traveled to her still-tinged pink hair and her not strictly dress code combat boots.

     "And I see they've dispatched the Republic's sarcastic Jedi of what exactly?" replied Dawn.  The other clone's eyes traveled between the two like a ping pong match.  "Aren't we on an urgent mission here?"

     "You started i- this is not progressive." said Anakin firmly.  Dawn smirked but fell silent.

     "Ok, so as you know," said Anakin, "the base is full of top secret information as well as a large chunk of our fleet.  According to the diagram, this outpost should be the least protected.  We will send fighters down to take it, and then get all the rest of the troops down overnight and take the base.  As you can see..."

     He continued, but Dawn kind of tuned him out.  She glanced over at Ahsoka, and followed her distracted gaze.  (Yep cliche ship moment)  She and Rex were smiling at each other like they were having a secret conversation.

     Ahsoka blushed and turned away.  Dawn locked eyes with her and mouthed 'Ooooh... ship it. Rexsoka is a thing!'  (Yep cause you can totally mouth that and have people understand you and yes I ship Rexsoka!)  Ashoka rolled her eyes, but she was blushing.

     "... And that's about it." finished Anakin, jolting Dawn out of her 'Rexsoka-yes-ship-it-OMG-fangirling-like-a-teenager' phase.  "We will be landing in 5 minutes, everyone drop your extra supplies in your bunks and meet back in the hanger."

     The troops shuffled away.  Dawn had a bunk to herself again, so she put down her spray paint and extra rations and tools.  And just because she could, she drew a bit on the walls because they were white and she couldn't get her mind off Rexsoka.

     "Dawn!" called Ahsoka from outside her door.  She walked through and continued.  "Come down with me, we're meeting in the hangar now-"  Ahsoka stopped short.  Along Dawn's back wall, along with a few Republic symbols, was this:

  Along Dawn's back wall, along with a few Republic symbols, was this:

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     Ahsoka sighed.  "Sorry," said Dawn in a not-very-sorry voice.  "Come on, let's go."

     Ok yeah, I ship  that's one of my fav pics of them.  Hope you like this chapter, it was kinda short but I wanted to introduce Rexsoka and Anakin.  As always, don't forget to like and comment!  Thanks to Ahsoka1708 for being one of my first readers! 

May the Force be with you,

Jedi Master Swift

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