This is NOT a romance scene

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     Seriously, because the clones are clones of Jango Fett and Dawn is the clone of his daughter soooo...  Never mind.  Storytime.  More fluff LOL sorry but I wrote this before I even started this book so I'm putting it in.

     Bright knew he shouldn't.  He knew he was basically signing his own expulsion like 3 hours after the practice test.  But when on his way to bed, a shadow- one with long hair and a slim figure- flit across the glass part of the roof, he also knew who it was.

     He was dressed in his training armor, loud and clunky though it was, he had been taught to always wear it outside.  Bright turned a corner and heard footsteps patter softly above him.  Bright climbed a nearby service ladder and peeked his head out.  He thought he'd lost her, but he saw a pink braid whip around a corner of the roof out of the corner of his eye.

     He climbed out painstakingly slowly and made his way across the roof.  Kamino was perpetually stormy, but at night sometimes the cloud cover would lighten just a bit.   It was still sprinkling a bit, though, so Bright put on his helmet.  The roof was slippery, so he had to be careful, and by the time he had crossed over the dome, the shadow was lounging on the roof like she'd been there all night.

     "Hello, Bright," said Dawn, still watching the sky.  Naturally, she hadn't put on her gear.  She wore a plain white tunic, her combat boots, and the black bodysuit all clones wore under their armor.  She wore no helmet, so her hair was slicked back and her clothes were soaked, but she didn't seem to mind.  "Sit down."

     Bright reluctantly sat, carefully in his armor.  He didn't ask how Dawn knew it was him.  She knew a lot.  "What are you doing out here?" he asked.

     Dawn didn't answer right away.  She sighed, hugging her lanky legs to her chest.  "Sometimes my bunk gets a little lonely," she said carefully.  Sometimes Bright forgot, as bold and snarky as Dawn was, she was also the only female clone trooper.  That meant she had a bunk all to herself.  But something in her face told him it was more than that.

     "Look," said Dawn, suddenly.  In a rush, she poured it all out like she'd been waiting a long time to say it. "I've never had a friend like you have. Instant loyalty was only to Master Shaak Ti. Before the war started, I was in hiding. Instead of out training, I watched everyone else train and bond together. I watched you grow up, held to some higher purpose that I believe in too. It wasn't until a year ago when Ahsoka came that I really had someone to talk to."

     "And I know what it's like. To feel lonely. To feel shattered. I went through it every day when I grew up. Every trooper who graduated, I had watched them grow.  I knew their names, their faces, all the ways they couldn't possibly be clones because they were really so different inside. And every trooper who didn't, it felt like losing a brother." She turned away, head lowered.

     Bright was stunned.  Dawn had never even started to talk about any of this. In a moment, he saw through her shell. The one she held around her like a shield, with her sarcasm and brash choices. The one she held around her because deep down, she was a thousand times lonelier than Bright or any clone trooper.

     "And you're not lonely out here?" he asked quietly, staring out at the vast, cloudy horizon.  It looked like it went on forever, so much bigger than the only place Bright had ever been, in the fortress.

     "Why should I be?" asked Dawn.  "I've got the sea, the sky, the moons."

     Bright looked up at the sky.  He realized he'd never seen the moons, but it didn't look like he was going to start now.  The rain was just mist now, but the clouds were still thick.

     Dawn started humming a slow tune.  Despite his heavy armor, Bright didn't realize how close he was to falling asleep until Dawn started singing in a silvery voice.

Skies are crying, I am watching

Catching teardrops in my hands

Only silence, as it's ending

Like we never had a chance.

Do you have to, make me feel like

There's nothing left of me?

You can take everything I have

You can break everything I am

Like I'm made of glass

Like I'm made of paper

So go on and try to tear me down

I will be rising from the ground

Like a skyscraper

Like a skyscraper...

     The moon broke out of the clouds, followed by another.  Bright saw why Dawn had chosen this spot.  Moonlight beamed down at them, making the raindrops in Dawn's hair look like diamonds in quicksilver.

     She smiled at him, a genuine smile with no sarcasm behind it.  "The moons are shy," she said in a whisper, "but when they think no one is watching, they come out to say hello."

     Just as quickly as they appeared, the moonlight disappeared and it started to sprinkle.  Dawn laughed shyly.  "Well you must hate me, waxing philosophical," she said, standing up.  "Too much time with the Jedi."

     "See you tomorrow, Bright," she said as she sauntered back over the rooftop, leaving Bright out in the thickening rain.

     It wasn't until he was lying awake back in his bunk when he realised she hadn't passed a single sarcastic comment the whole time.

     OK this is one of my favorite chapters even though it's really fluff and drama and stuff.  Skyscraper is one of my favorite songs.  As always, don't forget to like and comment!

May the Force be with you,

Jedi Master Swift

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