New Girl in... Fortress? Town? Indestructible Cloning Factory?

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-Dawn's POV-

     Dawn fidgeted in her armor.  Specially designed for her, it fit correctly but made her feel uncomfortable.  It was heavy, but at least she had added her own personal touches of red-and-black-and-pink splashes of paint she had not stolen from the design factory.

     She stood in an empty hallway overlooking the gloomy ocean.  As she waited for her future squad to come in.  Shaak Ti had promised to be there, but she had a meeting with the Jedi council first.  Ashoka had left to go fight some new electric jellyfish (Actually happened in the Clone Wars series) or something.

     A door in front of her slid open and Shaak Ti walked in, along with four clones.  Despite their faces and body structure being exactly the same, she recognized them.  The Prism Squad.  They had lost their fifth member only months ago and Dawn had paid attention to them.

     The one talking to Shaak Ti was Rider, a little braggy but a good teammate.  The one drumming his fingers on his gun was Blast, and the two who were chatting were Oak and Bright.  They all moved in a sort of stiff way, like they had been recently injured.  Dawn had just watched them fail the practice test before she came, so she guessed they had come right from the infarmy.  

     "Hello, Dawn," said Shaak Ti.  The clones fanned out next to her, looking at her curiously.  Dawn smirked, Master Shaak Ti hadn't told them yet.

     "Hi everybody," she ventured.  Her mask distorted her voice, but she could tell the clone troopers were getting more and more confused.  She took off her helmet, her hair coming loose and flowing down her shoulders.

     She heard a gasp from one of the clones.  "Intruder!" shouted Blast, ever suspicious.  He pulled out his gun and pointed it at Dawn.  Daw rolled her eyes, and in one lightning fast move hit his hand with her own, grabbing the gun as it fell and pointing it at him.

     Now it was Shaak Ti's turn to roll her eyes.  "Put that down, Dawn," she said sternly, "and Blast, this is not an intruder, this is the fifth member of your unit, Dawn."

     "But...but..." Rider spluttered.  "She's a girl!" 

     Oh boy. thought Dawn.  "How kind of you to notice," she drawled.  

     "Yes, she is a girl," replied Master Shaak Ti calmly.  "She is an experiment for  a co-ed military, and since you have a vacance, we decided she could join your squad.  Now, you've all had a hard day, so why don't you go get ready for dinner."  She walked back through the doors and off the go meditate or whatever jedi-ish things she was doing.

     Dawn smiled sweetly at their baffled faces.  "If anyone would like to share an opinion on my life, please raise your hand," she said.  Then her smile dropped.  "And slap yourself with it."

    The troopers turned to Dawn.  One, Bright, apparently got over his shock and offered his hand to Dawn.  She ignored it stepped back, looking them up and down.

  "Hello, Dawn," volunteered Bright.  "We're the Prism Squad.  This is-"

     Dawn cut him off, waving her hand.  "I know, I know.  Rider, Bright, Blast, and Oak.  That was quite the spectacular fail you had earlier."  She winked.  "Well, we should be getting ready for dinner.  See you there!"

     She slowly walked out of the room, in an excellent mimik of Shaak Ti's prestigious walk.  The doors shut behind her, but she could feel four bewildered gazes following her down the hallway.

     So what do you think?  I hope it was entertaining enough.  The next chapter will be great, promise ;)  Don't forget to like and comment, I always love feedback!

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