For the record... FIVES WAS RIGHT!!!!!

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     Dawn was frustrated.  There were paint cans strewn around the room and she was pacing from left to right.  She'd been up for an hour since the squad left, he whole body charged with adrenaline.  

     There was a note in her hand, a small, untraceable hologram with the same message repeating over and over in her own voice:

     "Remember Order 66." 

     What am I supposed to be remembering? she thought furiously.  Every time she got close to the answer, she felt a blinding pain in her head and it slipped away.

     She hadn't even known about the hologram until she got back that night, it was ejected from a hidden pocket of her backpack.  She'd examined her backpack many times before and never stumbled across it.

     There was only one thing left to try.  "I need to spend less time with the Jedi," muttered Dawn as she sat down and folded her legs under her to meditate.

     "Remember Order 66."

     "Remember Order 66."

     "Remember Order 66."


     Dawn gasped and almost fell off her bed.  I remember!  She thought.  I remember Order 66, I remember the Kaminoan treachery, I remember my modified inhibitor chip, I remember everything!  

     As a child, she had always been spying on someone or another, and one day she had followed her doctor to that meeting with the hologram of a mysterious man.  She had seen herself making the hologram as the memory of the meeting faded, along with the same blinding pain, only able to get out "Remember Order 66," before she fell the hologram in the slot.

     And there's only one thing to do.  Dawn set off quietly down the hallway, ducking behind corners towards the med bay as the pain in her head grew stronger.  She had heard them at the meeting, her Inhibitor chip was modified.  Plus extra loyalty to the Republic, and when they, met that mysterious man, minus memories of anything incriminating accompanied by the pain.

     And Dawn refused to listen to anyone.  Her stubbornness helped her push on.  When she reached the med bay, her fingers flew, reprogramming the medical droid on auto-pilot.  Which was good, because she was in almost to much pain to think.

     She fought blackout until she reached the table, dragging herself on and then succumbing to blackness.


     Dawn gasped and jolted awake, banging her head on the droid floating over her, offering her what should be her inhibitor chip.

     Good, she thought.  And, just to try it out, she thought: Order 66!  Inhibitor chips!  Don't kill the Jedi!  That hologram dude was ugly!  Nothing.  No pain.

     "Thanks," she told the droid, her fingers hovering over it's keyboard to deactivate it.  Bu then she thought of something.  Could she do this for all the clones?  Could she save the Jedi, not just herself?  

     No, she thought immediately.  There are to many clones, and nobody would believe me.  Her heart twinged anyway for all the Jedi that might fall, all the clones that might die without knowing what they were doing.  But I can save some.

     You're crazy!  she argued back at herself, as she walked down the hallway.  She was quiet, but no one was awake anymore, and the guards wouldn't change for a while.  What if something goes wrong?  What if they realize what you did?  You can't explain Order 66 to them, they'll get all self righteous and insist we tell the Generals, and that could set the plan in motion even faster!

     Get out of my head, Dawn told herself.  I'm doing it and you are not going to stop me!

     The voice fell silent as she entered the Prism Squad bunks.  With a few touched, she deactivated the alarm and handprint-lock system.  They were already asleep, but Dawn stunned them anyway, just in case.

     Getting them down to the med bay was easy, she just pressed a button on the side of their beds and they floated down to the med bay, Dawn moving quickly so they wouldn't be seen.  She dragged the table out of the way and pushed the floating beds into the machine one by one.

     Sitting against the wall, it was at least 1:00 AM when Dawn fell asleep.


     Dawn moved them back quickly, finally getting back to her room at 3:30.  Not the best sleep before a battle, but I'll have to make do, Dawn thought.

     She yawned, settled down, and fell into a deep sleep, punctured by the screams of Jedi.

     Menacing, am I right?  Well, I hope this chapter wasn't to boring for you!  Four more chapters left, I'm so excited!  Well, hope ya like it and don't forget to like and comment!

May the Force be with you,

Jedi Master Swift

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