DOTD #11

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Y/n's POV:

Me and the gang are stealthily weaving through the hallways, like Brad Pitt inside the WHO facility, and come to think of it, we are just like the ones in that movie, all this weird and unexplainable phenomenons, the savage killings, and avoiding the crazies as much as possible.

The hallways would either be full of crazies or the lights are off, and I can't risk my group for going to a death trap, who knows there could be lying bodies which are not totally dead, resulting to a couple of detours here and there.

I sneak peek into a corner and found the hallway infested by crazies, I held my palm up for them to stop

"Dude, we've been running around in circles, its almost about an hour" Miggy whisper yelled at me.

"I am well aware of that Migz, okay? I'm just trying NOT to get us eaten okay? So just chill the f*ck out" I looked back at him with you-think-I'm-kidding look

I'm a bit freaking out right now, I can't think straight and I'm running out of ideas

"Uhm... what if we go to the audio room? That way we can distract them with sound and attract them to a specific place, clearing a path for us" we all stop in our tracks and turned our heads to the new voice we never expected to speak.

We were dumbfounded and dazed

How come I didn't think of that? That idea never crossed my mind, I'm glad Tzuyu's on our side.

"Tzuyu that's... brilliant!" I quietly exclaimed as I saw her smile and looked down with red cheeks.

The others were still dumbfounded with their jaws dropping.

I snapped my fingers at them

"Hey let's go" I started sneaking away

"Hey Y/n, where are you going?" Miggy asked me

"We're going to the audio room, aren't you listening?"

"Yeah I know, but audio room is that way" Miggy pointed to the opposite direction

"Y-yeah I know, let's go... that way" I said saving myself from embarrassment

Fortunately, the way to the audio room was not a problem at all.

Before we enter, we readied ourselves for what surprises is in store for us on the other side of the door.

Play safe

I held the doorknob, with Mina holding her dagger in front. I slowly twisted the door and pushed it slowly. We entered and found a body lying on the floor, with its head smashed to pieces and a bloodstained golden trophy lying beside it, no doubt that it was used.

We almost throw up at the sight.

We searched the whole room for other crazies, and when we're sure that its clear, we locked the door and barricaded it with a table.

Inside the room is another room, where the microphone, a computer and couple of speakers are inside.

I went there and tested the microphone, and it still works.

Someone suddenly attacked me from behind by swinging something to me but I was swift enough to dodge it.

"Whoa, hey, hey, calm down, I'm not one of them!" I defended with my arms raised, gesturing that I'm harmless and meant no harm.

Just then the person suddenly hugs me tightly, crying in my chest and I was taken by surprised.

I caught a glimpse of her faced and I knew that she was Jihyo.

The first time I knew her, she's a bit rude, but I never thought she could be so vulnerable like this.

I totally forgot about her coming here when she make the announcement. Her shirt was a bit wet, which I bet is the blood from the body outside.

"I-I just killed someone, I'm a murderer" she cried out

So it was her doing

"I-its not your fault you know, you were just trying to protect yourself" she gasped and instantly lets go of me and looked at me in the eyes with disgust, anger and disappointment, like she wasn't expecting it to be me.

She took a step back "D-don't you dare say a s-single thing that happened here, a-and don't you dare u-utter another word to me, okay?!" She said pointing the pen at me

I held my arms up again "not a word"

I zip my lips for her to understand that I meant it and she left the room.

I let out a sigh

Well, she's still rude and she still hates me, I wonder what did I do wrong for her to hate me?

I looked back at the table and get back on doing my own thing.

I checked the computer for internet connection and there still is, I smiled.
I then looked at the control panel of the speakers, its not that complicated though, it consists of all the speakers location throughout the campus, making a blueprint layout of the building, then marked by 'Speaker 1' and so on. I traced my finger to the screen and found the suitable location to lure the crazies out of the exit hall. I leave 'Speaker 16' on and turned off the rest, I unplugged the wire that is connected to the microphone and connected it to the computer port.

I licked my lips and turned the volume to a hundred percent, I went to YouTube and selected a song, I tinker for awhile, setting a timer before the song plays.

As soon as I'm done, I got out of the room and the others were just silent, not a chat was heard, except for the two lovers. No one dared utter a word

We are absolutely a total strangers here all in this room, I just transferred here, and only Miggy is the only one I can trust, for now...

"I know we umm... don't fully know each others here but we must work together and get out of here alive"

I hope

The others nod in understanding, well except for one.

We all grabbed something to defend ourselves with.

Tzuyu with a curtain stick

Mina with her trusted and deadly dagger

Chaeyoung with literally nothing in her hands but fist.

Miggy with a flower vase

Jihyo with her pen

And me with the golden trophy.

They removed the barricades on the door and waited for the distraction to start.

I held the trophy tighter.


Hey guys!

Have a good day😊

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