DOTD #17

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Thanks to TunaAndKetchup for giving me this great idea from Zombieland in this chapter, you deserve a Twinkie ;)

If you ever need rule number
8. Get a kick ass partner, he/she will be first to come in mind

Thank you also guys too for the 1k reads, I appreciate it so so much <3

Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter :)


Y/n's POV:

I ran back inside the school and away from the door where the rest are waiting for the school bus to start.

Trust me, I've never been this regretful in my whole life. I just violated Columbus Ohio's 17th rule; Don't be a Hero

Countless footsteps were heard throughout the hall with growls and moans.

I headed towards the other end of the hall, banging the trophy to the wall to catch their attention

"Hey fartheads!! Want an easy meal? COME AND GET ME!!" I shouted and I successfully grab their attention as they start running towards me.


I ran fast as I held the knife at hand, just in case I might came across one by accident. I ran towards the safest way I can be with less infested halls, and with the lights flickering is not helping at all.

Chaeyoung's POV:

I'm really worried about Y/n right now, he just went back inside to lure all those zombies away from us, giving us enough time for Dahyun to start the bus.

"Is he gonna be okay?" I turned to Mina with a worried look in her face

"He's gonna be okay, he said he's coming back, I trust him on that, just have faith" I said holding her hand tightly, hoping that it would ease her a bit.

I went to the bus to see how Dahyun is doing in starting the engine.

I witnessed Dahyun going through series of wire, looking for a specific wire perhaps.

When your looking at her, it might seem that she just randomly cuts through random wires, but she knows her stuff well better than us.

She held different wires with both hands and connecting its both ends together until the bus sputters to life.

"I got it!" She proudly said and we all are grateful for her. The celebration was cut short when we remember a certain someone that makes this all possible.


We went silent and only the bus's idle engine was heard. We waited inside the bus.

The only thing now is to wait for Y/n's arrival.

Come on Y/n... Where are you?

Y/n's POV:

I ran and ran knowing that I am now too far away from my friends and the bus and I am seriously lost, I don't know where I am right now and which way is out. I really don't know which way to go, and I don't really give a fuck about rule no. 22 now, when in doubt, know your way out.

I just transferred here yesterday, and all I know is to ran away from those zombies that are chasing me nonstop.

I ran until the other end of the hallway and I actually bump into one of them, sending both of us to the ground, it snarled at me and I thrust the knife into its head and it drops dead down to the ground.

I look ahead and saw 2 more zombies coming right at me. With the light flickering, it really makes the situation a whole lot worse.

I slowly back away and I saw a reflection of myself on the wall beside me.

I look at it and it has a

"Break in case of emergency" written on it

Well this is an emergency, right?

I instantly break the glass with my elbow and snatch a heavy tool in its safety hold.

I got myself an axe.

The first one looks at me in a trance-like manner, examining me if I'm delicious or not.

Contented that I was yummy and delicious, it lunge at me as I swing the axe into its head as it split the skull into half, exposing the brain completely.

There is no way that its able to survive such fatality.

The other growled cruelly at me, it came charging at me and I took a cautious step back, I swing the axe up, and this time it hits its lower jaw, thick blood sprayed up into the ceiling as it went limping down to the floor, spraying blood all over the floor.

I smack its head again with an axe making sure it stays dead, which makes way to rule no. 2: Double tap

Its a gruesome sight to see. Its like a complete massacre here. My red hoodie was doing fine for the meantime

I hear the herd getting closer as I ran again to God knows where.

Chaeyoung's POV:

10 minutes has passed and there's no sign yet of Y/n, every seconds that passed by makes us all more worried.

Doubts, frustration and panic is flooding my mind right now.

Will he ever make it?

"We better go" we turn our head up to see Jihyo standing in the aisle, gripping to the seat's headrest.

"Ji, we should wait for him" Jeongyeon said but Jihyo disappointedly shake her head

"We can't, the more we wait, the more the risk" Jihyo said but Miggy snapped back

"He said he'll be back! We have to wait for him!" Miggy exlaimed

"He's not coming back, okay!?" Jihyo spat back but Tzuyu butted in

"You don't know that! He risk his life in danger for us, especially you!! You Park Jihyo!" Everyone was shock by Tzuyu's sudden outburst, even Jihyo felt it like a slap to her face being shouted by an introvert.

"I'm sorry Tzu but, there's a one to none chance that he will make it, he doesn't even know the way around the school, its likely that he's lost and trap inside" Jihyo reasoned out and Momo could just stifled a sob.

"Then I'll gladly take that one percent, my best friend is still in there" Miggy said standing up from his seat "you guys can go on without me, but I am not leaving Y/n" he said heading to the door but before he can, he was knock out cold by Mina at the back of his head. She lay the unconscious Miggy back to the seat.

"Sorry Migz, but I can't let Y/n's sacrifice for us to go in vain" Mina said as she turned to Jihyo "we should go" she said as Jihyo nodded

"Thanks for understanding Mina" Jihyo then look at Dahyun in the driver's seat in the rearview mirror "let's go Dahyun" she gripped the steering wheel tightly and step on the gas pedal.

I'm sorry Y/n, we all are...

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