DOTD #20

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Y/n's POV:

I take the aisle where the two zeds are, I swung the axe in shoulder length and pierce through the first zed in the neck, its blood splatters through the wall as I yank it out and swung to the other charging at me.

My attacks were a bit weak since my left arm is a bit busted and it takes two to three times to fully kill a zed down.

I turned my head to Dahyun who just kill the zed with a strike to the eyes with a broken shard.

We turn our heads to Miggy, still holding the machete with a shaky hands, the zed lunged at him

Come on Migz, you can do it buddy

He lifts the machete up and chop it down to the prize, splitting it half, the zed limps down.

Miggy looked at me with sparkling eyes, and I show two fingers up

"Rule no. 2" I mouthed at him and he form an "oh"

He lifts his machete up and chops off the head from its body, decapitating it

Now that is what I call dead "dead" as in dead, D.E.A.D.

"Great, now grab anything you can, anything useful, antibiotics, paracetamol, pain killers, anesthesias, whatnot" Dahyun said dropping all plastic bottled stuffs with one large swipe of her arm at the basket, me and Miggy doing the same.

We came out with 6 baskets full of medicines and rush back inside the bus.

We saw the rest at the back of the bus, all with worried faces, Dahyun approach them since its still a "Girl-Zone" there, carrying a basket.

"You got the bullet out?" Dahyun asked Mina and Mina nodded

"She passed out though..." Mina said gesturing to the unconscious Chaeyoung.

"Yeah, I can see that, her yell was enough to tell it" Dahyun said grabbing a bottle of pills and a first aid kit she found behind the pharmacy's counter earlier "patch her up with this, when she wakes up, give her this pain killers to help ease the pain and this antibiotics" Mina nodded.

Dahyun said as she returns to the driver seat and starts the engine.

"Everyone buckle up now" Jihyo ordered as everyone went back to their seats, with Mina at the backseat, holding Chaeyoung.

The bus roars back to life and drives away again to the empty streets of the city.


I look at my wristwatch and saw it was already 2:35pm in the afternoon, a growled inside the bus was heard.

We turn our heads again

"I... I think I'm hungry again... Hehehe" Momo sheepishly said like a kid

I still got some two Snickers left from my jacket and handed it all to her, thinking that one might not be enough.

"Arigat~" she wasn't able to finish since she chew it inside immediately.

I smiled at her childishness

"Maybe we should stop by in a nearby store or something, we can grab something to eat" Miggy said out loud for Dahyun to hear from the front and Dahyun nodded to the rearview mirror.

We saw a 7/11 convenient store from afar, but the bus didn't slow down, until we went pass it.

"Dude, are you blind? We just passed 7/11" Miggy said and Dahyun scoffed to Miggy calling her dude

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