DOTD #31

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Tzuyu's POV:

We decided to have our breakfast since Momo unnie is already hungry as a hungry raccoon she is.

Since we still don't have a kitchen for the meantime to make pancakes, we stick to canned goods.

Other ready to eat canned goods like spam and sardines are the menu for today's breakfast, and there's no room for being picky now since its the freaking Apocalypse, formalities and other proper eating etiquettes are set aside... for now...

Unlike Nayeon unnie here...

"Eww... how do I eat this with my bare hands?" She complained, staring at the opened can of sardines in front of her.

"Just gulped it down woman!" Jeongyeon spat in annoyance

"Easy for you to say" Nayeon stared at her in disgust as Jeongyeon held the can into her mouth and let the fish dropped down her mouth.

"Mmm.... yummy" Jeongyeon said licking her lips

"Unnie, you should eat, or else the zed will eat you" Chaeyoung said teasing Nayeon as Nayeon whined

"You won't die for now but you might die of starvation" Mina said casually which makes Nayeon freaked out a bit on the word 'die'.

I was also taken aback on how Mina could say that casually but I maintained my poker face.

Seriously, I wonder how many times Mina cheat death for her to casually say it liked that?

"Wait... I know how to make you eat!" Jeongyeon said as she secretly smirk as Nayeon looked at her questioningly with both brows furrowing.

Jeongyeon picked a Sardine in her hands and put it carefully in between her teeth and faced Nayeon "Keesh meeh"

Damn ... I wished I could be that smooth towards Y/n

I blushed at the thought but I was snapped back to reality when I heard a hard slapped.

Ooff... didn't go as smooth as it was

"Oh... way to go cowgirl" others teased at Jeongyeon

Jeongyeon held her stinging cheek as the sardine flew into the floor, and Teudoongie gladly eats it.

"You perv!" Nayeon snapped at her as she stands up and leaves the bus.

"Yah, Nayeonah!" Jeongyeon called out and quickly followed Nayeon outside.

"Hey, its dangerous out there" I said alerting the others

"Don't worry, I'll take care of them" Jihyo said as she stands and grabbed her spear and followed the two outside.

We continue to eat our breakfast in silence

Jeongyeon's POV:

I followed the angry rabbit into the woods "Yah! Nayeon! Its dangerous out here, let's go back!"

"Shut up! Just leave me alone!" She said still persisting

"There are zeds out there, they'll eat you for sure" I tried scaring her but she continues to walk

Aishh this damn bunny, what does she want me to say?! That "I'm sorry, it won't happen again"?? Yeah right

She still continues to walk away

Ugh... fine?!

"Nayeon! I'm sorry okay!? I know I crossed the line and it won't happen again?! I promised!" I screamed out to her but she didn't reply, till I realize she disappear.

"Nayeon?" I called out

"Nayeon? Where are you? this isn't funny" I frantically walked towards where she disappeared and soon I saw her standing frozen from afar.

"Nayeon?" She didn't move

I reached beside her left side and she caught staring at something. I looked to where she's looking at and my eyes widen.

Before us was a mutilated zed digesting a body of the poor deer. Its head buried deeper into the deer's belly, eating its intestine and other internal organs.

I felt Nayeon gag at the sight which makes the zed pulled out its head and looked over to us with bloody intention.

I looked straight to its white eyes and it sniffed the air, growling.

I knew that this zed is blind, using its sense of smell and hearing as its sensor to hunt.

I put a finger in Nayeon's lip for her to shush.

"Don't move. Don't make a sound" I mouthed at her and she looked at me confused. I rolled my eyes and I do the 'Zipper Mouth' gesture and she nod.

And I'm freaking dumb not to bring any weapon with me. My bat and tonfas are back in the bus.

The zed continue to sniff the air as I looked around for anything to defend ourselves with, but only small rocks and twigs are around. The only good thick branch is a meter away from my left.

I slowly kneeled and picked up the small rocks.

I hope my baseball throwing skills are still as good as back then

With one swift swing, I manage to hit its head, busting a small hole to its forehead.

It snarled a bit stunned as I grabbed the medium thick wood.

It growled and started charging to Nayeon, but before it could lay its filthy hand to my dear bunny, I hit its head hard with the sturdy end of the wood making the head flew far away leaving the body headless.

"Fly ball!!" I cheered as Nayeon jump into my waist

"You saved me" she said leaning closely to my head as our lips met.

Jihyo's POV:

I wonder where those two lovebirds are.

I better not find them fucking each other or else I'm gonna stick this spear into their pussies and other holes in their body.

I wander deeper into the woods until the bus was out of sight.

"2yeon!! Where are you?!" I called out

No answer


I heard the rustle of bushes in front of me and I ready my stance with my spear only for Nayeon and Jeongyeon to pop out of it.

"You freaking b*tches! I almost stab you" I said and they just happily smile at me

"Yeah right" Jeongyeon mockingly said as I noticed both of their hands intertwined together.

"Seems like you two are already in good terms, did I missed something?" I said as I playfully raised my eyebrow

"Yeah, like, a lot" Nayeon said nudging Jeongyeon in the shoulder

I smirk at them "alright lovebirds, let's go back to the bus, its not safe here" I said as the three of us went back the bus.

We reached back to the others and Dahyun was already waiting at the door impatiently with her rifle at hand "what took you guys do long, I almost thought you guys are in danger" she said clicking the safety back

"Sorry about that, we just settled some things back there" Jeongyeon said as we went inside

"Anyways, since we're all complete, let's drive now to our new home" Dahyun turned to us with a smile as she starts the bus' engine and drive the bus offroad into the unknown woods.

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