DOTD #30

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Y/n's POV:

I already had my nth can of coffee and energy drinks as I crumple and tossed the can on the dashboard together with the other empty cans.

I've been driving for 7 hours straight which is now a total of 27 hours or a day and 3 hours that I'm awake.

And with all this caffeine and energy drinks, I feel like I can still go on for about another day or two.

I feel like an Immortal

The rising bright sun from the horizon pierced through the glass that almost makes me blind. I squinted my eyes as I reached for the sunglasses hanging from the rearview mirror.

Its already 6am in my watch and the others are still heavily snoring in their deep slumber.

I noticed another black pickup truck stranded on the middle of the road. Like any other vehicle I came by earlier, this one seems to catch my attention.

The hood to the car's engine is opened widely and I noticed something moving inside.

I stop the bus into a halt.

I grabbed my axe for any precautionary measures in case things turn south. I pressed the button and the door opens and I jumped out.

I slowly approach the truck and I heard shuffling footstep behind and saw a single zed. It was a woman, probably in her mid 40's, clothes ragged and tattered with dirt, her blonde hair that is slowly falling off displaying the scalp of her head, pale and bruised skin with wounds and also the hint of her skin decaying was showing. Sprays of blood scattered in her collar, with wide wound on her neck with a part of its flesh sticking out, no doubt this woman was bit in the neck.

It raised its arm towards me as it opens it mouth widely at me hungrily. I clutch my axe with both hands ready to swing.

As soon the zed was at striking distance, I dive the axe straight into its wound as it lets out a sickening crack of bones, probably hitting its spine. It drops into the ground but continues to snarl and raised its hands towards me, hoping to get a bite of my juicy flesh.

With all the caffeine stimulating my senses, I snatch the axe with one hand still latched into its neck and deliver a finishing blow, making sure that this undead lady stays dead.

I didn't even break a sweat.

'I really am Immortal' I chuckle at the thought

My attention then averted back to the truck, if I'm not mistaken, I noticed something moving inside.

I peek through the window but it was tinted in black so I have no choice but to open it even I don't want to, but curiosity is what makes me damn stubborn.

I grabed the door handle and it click, it was not lock, I took a deep breath and readied my axe over my shoulder. I swung the door open and ready to swing only to be greeted by a furry mammal.

Instinctively, dogs would bite or bark at strangers, but this one just looks at me curiously with its dark blue eyes, with its snout sniffing at me

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Instinctively, dogs would bite or bark at strangers, but this one just looks at me curiously with its dark blue eyes, with its snout sniffing at me.

I didn't let my guard down since this husky might be infected. After a good minute of staring contest, I was convinced that this dog isn't posing any aggressive threat.

I put my axe down and I reached my hand out slowly for its head, hoping that I could tame this poor and lonely dog.

I remember a certain movie, like the first time Hiccup tried to tame Toothless.

I finally touched the dog's head and it wags it tail at me joyfully, happy to meet its new master

"Good doggie" I cooed as I ruffle its head.

God knows how many days this poor dog was trapped inside this car, lucky for the dog that it didn't suffocate inside since a part of the car's window is slightly open letting fresh air in.

I noticed a collar in its neck with a golden tag hanging on it.

"Teudoongie" I read, its probably the dog's name as it wags its tail more crazily.

"Well Teudoongie, I bet your hungry, wanna meet the others?" I ask and it excitedly jump out of the truck.

It followed me happily inside the bus as I started driving away.

I looked at my watch and its already quarter to 7am. I looked at our new companion and realize that it was a female.

Just in time as I reached the intersection Dahyun was talking about, four more highways greet me.

I turned off the bus engine and turned to the curious dog tilting her head to the side. "I think its time for them to wake up, wanna do the honors?" I looked at the snoring princesses and a bullfrog in the backseat.

Teudoongie followed my gazed and surprisingly, she is a smart dog as she understands what I said and started running towards them, licking each of their faces off with thick slime of saliva earning groans and yelp from the others.

"Ugh... what the fudge?"

"Eww.. Griever goo..."

"Yuck... smells like hotdog water"

"Shit... more like shit"

Teudoongie ran back to me happily as I held my laughter at the others reaction while wiping their face off.

"Who the heck on their insane minds disgustingly lick my sacred face?!" Nayeon frustratingly asked as she wiped the dog's saliva off her beautiful face.

"Beats me, I'm drenched too" Jihyo said using the hem of her skirt to wiped off the sticky substance.

Teudoongie let out a loud bark from the front earning the others attention

"A dog? A fucking dog kissed me?" Jeongyeon asked in disbelief as the others looked at me questioningly

"Y/n, where did you find that dog?" Momo asked groggily from her seat

"Yeah, isn't the dog infected or something?" Mina seconded

"I found her back at the road, trapped inside a truck, and no, she's not infected since the owner was wondering outside and I put it out of its misery" I replied as the others pissed off expression suddenly softens and tried cuddling the new furry companion

"You can lick my beautiful face anytime you want" Nayeon said as she pet the dog.

"Can I too?" Jeongyeon asked as she earned a hard slap at her shoulder "oww"

"No you can't playgirl" Nayeon spat at her.

As the others played with the new furry friend, Dahyun walked towards me "are we there? At the intersection?" She ask as we both went to the front.

"Yeah, we're here" I said as she turned to me and smile.

"Let's have breakfast first"

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