moshing in the frozen aisle

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dom and i were always listening to something, in the car, when we were walking down the street, when we were cooking dinner (not that either of us could really cook). Doing the grocery shop? something was playing. always. 

that's what we were doing on that day, grocery shopping. it was a normal day in london, the sky was gray and there was the light moisture in the air, it was my turn to pick the music , and my playlist was choked full of  my favorite rock and 90's punk. dom and i walked hand in hand down the road to the Tescos at the end of our block, bouncing to the beat of Bauhaus. 

the elevator music coming over the speakers inside the fluorescently lit tescos was drowned out by the driving bass pounding into my subconscious through the airpod in my left ear. being the reasonable person i am, i went straight for the frozen aisle to stock up on as much ben and jerrys as humanly possible. i could see Dom in the aisle across from me bopping his head to the last few notes of Shes In Parties.

The next song on the playlist came on and the unmistakable first few chords of the sex pistols blared into my skull. i saw Dom from the corner of my eye, he had whipped his head towards me, strands of red hair flying into his wide pale green eyes. i laughed and turned back to the VERY important business of fishing out every single carton of phish food from the depths of the freezer tapping my foot to the thump of the drums and lip syncing to the scream of John Lyndon. when suddenly something came up behind me.

Dom grabbed me around the waist and lifted me into the air, "AYYYYEEEE WAAANNAAA BEEE ANARCHY" he screamed, twirling me around and around. i began laughing hysterically and singing loudly along with him, "ANARCHY FOR THE UK!" an old lady wearing a brown coat in the frozen pea section stared at us, horrified. 

Dom set me down on the linoleum floor and we began jumping up and down and chest bumping each other, viciously air guitaring, screaming the lyrics at the top of our lungs. sadly, it was 8 o'clock in the morning on a wednesday so only a few people heard our glorious melodies. 

"AND AYYYYEEE WANNNA BEEEE AAAAN ANARCHIST" was the last lyric we shouted into eachothers faces before collapsing into a fit of laughter on top of eachother, i couldn't help my little piggy laugh, and the snorting just made us laugh harder. after what very well could have been 20 minutes, a tall, lanky man in a dark blue shirt and khakis came and stood over us, the phish food littered the floor around you, it must have been quite a scene. 

"I'm sorry to say that im going to have to ask you to leave." he said in a posh stuck up accent. "Multiple people have been complaining of your ruckus." dom and i stopped laughing. i looked at his badge which stated clearly, 'charles: store manager'. what a perfectly stuck up name for such a perfectly stuck up bloke. 

"Oh im So sorry sir." Dom said standing up, a little smirk still playing on his lips. he extended his hand to ,e and pulled me up onto my feet. i curtsied at him, lifting my long black skirt up over my ankles and he bowed ellegently in return "Here, let me pick this up." Dom said reaching for a carton of ice cream, "Oh uh no no no that's alright." Store Manager Charles said. "No really we insist my liege." i added, bending down. "please leave tha-" "NO, its no trouble at all good sir" I interrupted him, placing a hand dramatically over my heart. standing there highly flustered, a babbling Charles watched us pick up every carton of Phish Food that was strewn about the aisle. 

"There you go, your highness!" I said, plopping my share of ice cream into his hands, "Really, no need to thank us!" Dom said, coming up behind me and doing the same. we left Charles standing there, mountain of ben and jerrys in his hands and practically skipped out of the store.

once outside, Dom looked at me and asked, "On to the next?", he extended his hand and i grasped it enthusiastically "On to the next." I replied,  "I refuse to commit anarchy if i cant have ice cream."

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