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It was a crisp day in mid september and damn and iwent to go get Coffee at the Starbucks at the end of the street. as we stepped into the coffee shop, Dom held the door open for me and bowed, "Milady" he tipped an imaginary hat and i laughed, "Why thank you my liege" i curtseyed in return and walked into the store, getting in line behind a short, balding man wearing a brown sweater. Dom grabbed my hand, and we waited in line, listening to the sounds around us, i quietly eavesdropped on two girlfriends, deciding on what movie they wanted to watch that night. "Listen, Eva, we've watched Thor: Ragnarok twice this week!" one said, and the girl with black hair began to speak when the tall one with the buzzcut interrupted, "Ah ah, just because Tessa Thompson is really hot isn't a reason to watch it a third time." The raven haired girl looked down defeated. i had to stifle a laugh and Dom looked to me confused. "I'll tell you later, promise." i said, squeezing his hand. 

a man walked in and a cold breeze wafted into the coffee shop and i shivered, even with my long black coat i was getting really chilly. Dom let go of my hand and hugged me to him. i stepped up one in line, and laid my head on his shoulder, he nuzzled his chin into my thick hair. 

When it was our turn to order, the barista, who had light blue braids and dark skin, looked up from the till, "What can i get for y'all?" her voice was soft and warm. She looked to Dom first, "Just a grande latte with almond milk for me please." The barista whose name i saw was Hope, grabbed a cup and scribbled down his order. "And for you?" she looked to me, "Ill just have a earl grey tea please." she grabbed another cup and jotted it down. "And who'll that be for?" both me and Dom went to claim the order, resulting in what sounded like some ancient demon summoning spell. i looked at Dom, "You got dinner last night, please can i get this one?" Dom looked defiant but i gave him my infamous death glare, i tilted my head slightly, pursed my lips and raised one eyebrow. "Fine..." he said. Triumphantly, i gave Hope my name and handed over my card.

Dom dragged me over to a two person table by the window and i sat down, i situated the chair so the i could prop my legs on Doms lap and turned to look out the window, chin in my hands. "People are so weird," i started and Dom looked to me, inquisitivley. "Each person has a past, a present and a future, each human has a life they're living, people they know. maybe someone out there loves them. maybe they've just lost someone. but each person has a soul and a story, and i don't know what it is." i trailed off and watched a woman pushing a stroller cross the street. "Beck!" someone called and i swung my legs off of Doms lap to go grab our drinks. 

When i returned, Dom was sitting criss cross and staring out of the window. "Here you go, Romeo." i set his drink down and stood for a moment, looking out to where Dom was staring. I saw two girls, one wearing a bright pink hoodie, YUNGBLUD written in scrawling letters over the front, and the other girl had bright pink hair and was wearing all black. "Im a part of their story, but i don't know who they are." He said, not taking his eyes off them. i put a hand on his shoulder and said, "Do you want to go meet them?" 


we were walking right in their direction and yet they hadn't spotted you. but once we were in the middle of the large intersection, crossing over to their side, the girl with pink hair saw us, her jaw dropped, and her eyes began to tear up, the other girl looked coffused and poked her friend on the shoulder, "Miriam? you alright?" but when she looked in our direction as well, her hand dropped and she began to laugh hysterically. When Dom saw their reaction his mouth stretched into a wide smile and he began to laugh as well, he ran the rest of the way across the road and wrapped the pink haired girl, Miriam, in a big bear hug. "Hey! how are you?" he said smiling, letting Miriam go and enveloping the other girl in another hug, she hugged him tightly to her and i saw tears streaming down her face. "I've never been fucking better" i heard her say as i came closer. "Hey, Meg, do u have a sharpie?" Miriam said, eyes still brimming with tears, "I want him to autograph my forehead!" Dom let go of Meg and laughed. Meg reached into one of the many pockets on her black cargo pants, "Of course i do weirdo." she drew out a sharpie and handed it to Dom, "Will you sign my back first?" she asked "Course love," he said, taking the pen from her and uncapping it with his teeth. she turned around and he scribbled his signature in big letters on her back, drawing two black hearts under, one of them broken. 

"Thank you so, so much Dom!" Meg turned back around. it was Miriam's turn, Dom took the cap out from between his teeth, "Are you sure you want me to do this?" he smiled, "Yes! Yes! Yes" she replied, jumping. "If ya say so" he took the sharpie and pushed back her pink fringe, in a quick, practiced motion, he scribbled his signature onto her pale forehead. Miriam took out her phone which had two small black hearts in the centre. she pulled up the camera and looked at herself, she began to laugh doubling over in hysterics, "Im getting this tattooed!" Dom and Meg laughed with her, Dom took her phone and took a few selfies with them all giggling , wide smiles stretched across their faces. 

After maybe two minutes, Dom and i went off to our car, to get back to the flat. some people might think i'd be jealous of all of the attention Dom gets, but i never do. he makes people happy. he makes them smile, and cry and jump around and cry some more. the only emotion i ever feel when you see people who love him, its pride. because this man that i love has done so much for the world, and ive been by his side for a long time. so no, i dont ever get jealous, he deserves all of this, and who am i to hold him back from his family? 

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