jaffa cakes

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dom and i had fallen asleep on the couch in the conservatory. the sun outside was barely peeking above the horizon and it basked the world in a golden glow. there was a tiny robin in the leafless pear tree that stood in the centre of the garden. it was singing a lively melody but was cut off by one of Doms monstrous snores. i looked up to see Dom, his head had fallen back against the brick wall and his red hair was obscuring his eyes, his mouth was open wide and he let out another deafening snore. fuckin weirdo. 

i carefully lifted Doms arm from around my shoulders and placed it on his stomach. i slowly inched out from my position snuggled into his chest and got up from the couch. as quietly as i could, i stepped from the room, heading straight for the kitchen. i opened the fridge and rummaged around for a minute or two, not quite sure what i wanted. i closed the door without grabbing anything and turned to open the snack cabinet, there, in between the baking soda and the crisps, i saw a box of jaffa cakes. 

"Fuck yes." i mumbled and grabbed the whole box. 

i returned to the conservatory, snached another quilt from an old wodden chest and wrapped it around my shoulders, then i slipped on Doms pair of fur lined docs that he had left by the glass door. i stepped out into the snow, and the crunch it made under your booted foot was so blissfully satisfying. i opened the box of jaffa cakes and put two in my mouth, continuing to stare out at the landscape, i heard Dom yawn and stand up, i turned just in time to see him trip over the quilt that had fallen onto the hardwood floor, he stumbled a bit and flung his arms out in front of him, managing to catch himself just before he would have landed flat on his face. he stood frozen for a second, eyes wide staring at the floor. i chuckled and turned back to the snow covered garden, he let out a sigh and i heard him crunching up behind me. i reached into the tube of jaffa cakes and pulled out a few, handing them to Dom over my shoulder. 

"Breakfast." i said as he took them.

 "thanks you twat." he responded, i turned around and flicked him in the forehead, 

"Oi! what did you call me?" 

"Fuckin twat" he responded, sticking his tongue out at me.

i slowly closed the lid on the jaffa cakes and placed them in the snow, not taking my eyes off of his dumb face. 

"Fuck." doms face fell. i reached down beside the box and scooped up a giant handful of snow. Dom slowly backed away. 

"Hey now Becks, uh slow your roll, i i didn't mean it," he continued backing away and put his hands up in the air. i packed the snow together and took aim right at Doms stupid (ly beautiful) face. i played softball for 7 years and my aim was impeccable, and Dom know it. i launched the snowball straight at his head but Dom ran to his left, narrowly missing it.

"Oh its on you little fucker." he said menacingly, stooping down to grab a handful of snow and chucked it at me, it hit u in the right arm and knocked the blanket off your shoulders. 

"YOU SUCK" i yelled, chucking another massive snowball at him, this one finally hit him, directly in the centre of his chest, it shocked him and knocked him off balance, he fell to the floor and laid there,half buried in snow for a few seconds before i called out, worried i had somehow hurt him "you alright?" i stepped forward, looking at his limp body laying in the snow "fuck" i mumbled, i quickly turned to the house and began to move forward, hoping to grab my phone from the conservatory. although before i could even take a step, dom grabbed me from behind and threw me to the snowy floor. 

he began to laugh hysterically at my angry, red face. "you fucking suck." i said bitterly "Yea but you love me." dom flopped down beside me and put his hands behind his head, i couldn't argue with that.

 the sky had changed from a slightly lighter blue to yellow and purple and pink, the clouds were almost red and there were still a few stars splattered throughout the sky. 

Dom grabbed something beside him, i guessed it was the jaffa cakes. i was wrong, BLAM! another snowball was slammed into my face and i sat up sputtering and wiping at my face with my sleeve "thats what u get for saying is suck" Dom said with a smirk. i cracked a smile, no way i could stay mad at this fucking goober for longer than 5 seconds. i fell back into the snow and realized the jaffa cakes were sat next to me. i picked up the box and stuffed another three into my mouth, i grunted and shoved the box on Doms direction. without looking at me, he took the bag mumbling a quick thanks and took out a thick stack of jaffa cakes. he practically unhinged his jaw and jammed them into his giant mouth we both sat silently chewing for a few moments. i heard another crunch from the house and both of us turned to see my mum standing in the doorway. "Get inside, your Moma's made some hot coco!" she yelled, "and don't forget the bloody quilt!" i sighed and picked up the quilt from the snowy floor.

i saw Dom turn to me and i looked at him. "Race ya" he said mischievously and took off for the house "Hey! Idiot! you didn't tell me" i ran after and grabbed the back of his black hoodie and pulled him to the floor, laughing, i raced ahead of him and into the house first. "Phlpttt" i stuck your tongue out at him and skipped into the kitchen. 

Dom came up behind me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder and gave me a noogie, "cheater" he whispered into my ear and we both burst out laughing, my Moma looked at us weird and that just added to our hysterics. 

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