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thanks @domsbaby for the suggestion ily :))

Summer in london means two things, heat waves, and storms. so many storms.  the days have gotten hotter and longer, and the air has become heavier, thick with humidity, which means there's bound to be a storm soon. 

Dom and i were laying on the hardwood floor of the living room, frozen was playing on the tv, i had an ice pack on my forehead, a glass of ice cold water to my left and a spray bottle full of water to my right. "aaaaaaah" dom groaned, flipping onto his stomach. "same" i replied. the air clung to my body like a gross sweaty blanket. i slowly stood up from the floor to grab some frozen peas to replace my quickly melting ice pack. "get me some?" he questioned. "yessir" 

Opening the freezer a wave of cold air hit me and i couldn't help but let out an unwarranted moan. "woa there, what the fuck are you doing" i heard  dom chuckle from the living room. "shut up weirdo, the cold is nice" i shouted back, embarrassed. 

We spent the rest of the afternoon and into the evening laying in heaps on the floor. We watched movies, listened to podcasts and just laid around. as evening fell and the sun began its slow descent below the horizon, we go up, had a vegetable salad and at least a tub of ice cream each. after stuffing ourselves we sat lazily against the couch, the cheap electric fan blasting into our faces. then from out of nowhere, it began:


thunder. the first storm of the season, hell yea. we both sat bolt upright as the rain began to patter against the half open windows. we both jumped to our feet and ran to the window like little kids to the ice cream man (release the damn song dom) (DUDE HE RELAESED THE DAMN SONG AND ITS SO FUCKIN GOOD) and pressed our faces to the glass. 


i lunged straight for my docs, i pulled them over my bare feet and left them unlaced. "what are you doing?" dom asked, not tearing his eyes away from the street. "leaving." i replied nonchalantly hopping up from the floor and unlatching the door to the flat. "wait for me!" he yelled, sliding across the hardwood floor and out the door to stand next to me. "no shoes?" i motioned to his bare feet. his toenails were bright pink, i had painted them the other day, per his request. "who needs em" i decided that was a better plan and tore the shoes off my feet. 


we ran down the carpeted hallway and down the metal stairs. i shoved open the door to the pavement and stepped out into the heavily falling rain. we ran out, the rain immediately soaked through our clothes and cooled our cores. i stared up into the sky and let the drops splash against my face. the water was cool but not cold and the air was still humid but it felt refreshing and rejuvenating. 

as i stared up and closed my eyes, Dom came running up behind me, he swept me off my feet and threw me over his shoulder, spinning and spinning. "DOM YOU'RE GONNA DROP ME" i yelled, laughing hysterically, "I WOULD NEVER" he yelled back, spinning me in in opposite direction continuing to cackle like a movie villan. my head was spinning and i was losing my breath laughing. 

he placed me back onto the sidewalk, my bare feet against the pavement. he reached out and intertwined our fingers. he lifted our hands up into the space between us and looked into my eyes. "whats this for weirdo" i said. his bright red hair was plastered against his forehead and small droplets fell into his eyes. "why not love" he said leaning forwards. he kissed me for the first time in a while and it felt as though it was the first. you missed this. and now was the perfect time for it to start again. you loved him more than the earth loved the sun, you loved him to the moon and back. you loved him more than phish food and jaffa cakes and snow, you missed him more than late night adventures and sleep. you loved him. and he kissed you.

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