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i sat a lot nowadays, listening to records, sometimes me and dom would sit for hours, watching avatar or binging horror movies. every morning at 10 am, when we both woke up, we would walk nowhere. just talking or listening to music sometimes just sitting, and watching as the world crumbled around us. then we would go back to the flat, play uno or set, when we were feeling daring, we would play cards against humanity. Then we would watch netflix for hours, taking snack breaks and every once in a while i would write a quick paragraph just to keep the thoughts flowing, all of my uni classes had been canceled and Doms tour was obviously not happening. He missed his family a lot, i could see that. it always just felt like nothing was happening, the world was on hold. And every day felt the same. the only respite from the relentless sameness was the night Dom and i went to Ravenscourt. 

It was late ish, after we had pizza and watched a bit of Skins. We slipped into casual attire and stepped out of the complex onto the pavement, i could feel every crack and bump under my worn out converse. we walked hand in hand down the sidewalk to Ravenscourt, about 2 kilometres away. it was twilight by now and the light of the low hanging moon reflected in the puddles left from the previous nights rainfall. Dom and i would stop abruptly to look up at the dim stars and notice each new one. when we reached the gate, we realized it was locked and we looked to each other. Dom smirked and i knew exactly what he was thinking. he grabbed onto one of the bars and hoisted himself over. I crossed my arms and gave him my death glare. 

"aaaw come on love, what are they gonna do? arrest us?" i cocked my eyebrow furter. "yes." he continued, smiling wider "they wouldn't even want to touch us, unless they wanted to catch the ViRuUuS" he said, wiggling his fingers and putting on a pathetic posh accent . i couldnt help but laugh. defeated, i grabbed onto the bars, pulling myself over the gate and landing heavily on the graveled path. Dom gripped my hand and took off running. we bounded across a small field and jumped a little barrier, reaching the duck pond in a minute flat, out of breath and giggling we stared out over the pond, a large willow hung its branches into the glass smooth water and tickled the surface. 

Dom plopped down in a little patch of dying daffodils and i dropped down next to him. the moon was higher in the dark sky now and i could see the stars more clearly. i layed back and stared up at them. my mama was fascinated by astrology and taught me a lot about the constellations. dom laid his head on my chest, "That one up there is draco," i pointed into the sky at the snaked constellation "which one?" Dom asked "the one up there" i pointed again. "they're all 'up there' dingus" he laughed and i smiled, dropping my hand to twirl my fingers through his hair. 

he sighed, "i feel like im living through groundhog day, but everyday i wake up in the middle of a pandemic." he said, staring into the sky. the silence that followed wasnt awkward, it was contemplative and comfortable. 

"i understand you. I feel like im trapped, in a perpetual hamster wheel, time isnt moving forward and all i can do is pace, and run in circles." i finally responded. "but im glad i get to spend this time with you Romeo" I smiled and he laughed. 

we continued to look up at the sky, we named the stars, made them ours. only we existed in that moment. the fuck-upedness of the world was inconsequential because we didnt live there. we made a new world, happier and fuller than anything anyone else could create. 

we made it ours. 

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